Where There Is No Doctor 2011
You may find that many, if not
all, of these things lie behind infant
deaths in your area. You will, no
doubt, find other causes as well.
As a health worker it is your job to
help people understand and do
something about as many of these
causes as you can.
But remember: to prevent
frequent deaths from diarrhea will
take far more than latrines, pure
water, and ‘special drink’ (oral
rehydration). You may find that
child spacing, better land use, and
fairer distribution of wealth, land,
and power are more important in
the long run.
The causes that lie behind much
sickness and human suffering
are short-sightedness and greed.
If your interest is your people’s
well‑being, you must help them
learn to share, to work together,
and to look ahead.
We have looked at some of the
causes that underlie diarrhea and poor
nutrition. Likewise, you will find that
such things as food production, land
distribution, education, and the way
people treat or mistreat each other lie
behind many different health problems.
The chain of causes leading
to death from diarrhea.
If you are interested in the long-term welfare of your whole community, you
must help your people look for answers to these larger questions.
Health is more than not being sick. It is well-being: in body, mind, and
community. People live best in healthy surroundings, in a place where they can
trust each other, work together to meet daily needs, share in times of difficulty and
plenty, and help each other learn and grow and live, each as fully as he or she can.
Do your best to solve day-to-day problems. But remember that your greatest job
is to help your community become a more healthy and more human place to live.
You as a health worker have a big responsibility.
Where should you begin?