Examples on How to Multiply Fractions

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Lesson Objective
In this lesson, we will see more examples on how to multiply fractions. Also, we will learn how to use common factor to make the multiplication easier.
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About This Lesson
The basics on multiplying fractions have already been explained in the previous lesson.

This lesson will show more examples on multiplying two fractions that are:
  1. 2 proper fractions
  2. 1 proper and 1 improper fraction
  3. 2 mixed fractions.
Also, we will learn how to use common factor to simplify the multiplication when possible.

The study tips and math video below will explain more.
divide with the common factor 2

Study Tips

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Tip #1 - The basics on how to multiply fractions
The lesson on multiplying fractions have already explained the basics needed. Please go through it if you are not sure.
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Tip #2 - Simplify the multiplication using Common Factor
It is possible to simplify the multiplication if there is one or more common factor in the fractions. For example, let's multiply:
Multiply the fractions, 3/5 with 7/9
  1. Multiplying the fraction gives:
    Multiply the numerators and denominators, (3 x 7)/(5 x 9)
  2. Notice that 3 and 9 have the common factor, 3. Therefore we can divide these two numbers with 3.
    Divide 3 and 9 with the common factor 3
  3. This gives 1 and 3 respectively:
    Simplifying gives (1 x 7)/(5 x 3)
  4. Since we unable to simplify it further, we can continue by doing the multiplication. This gives: 
    The final fraction is 7/15

Math Video

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Lesson Video
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Math Video Transcript

Practice Questions & More

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Now, let's try some MCQ questions to understand this lesson better.

You can start by going through the series of questions on How to Multiply Fractions or pick your choice of question below.
  1. Question 1 on simplify and multiply two fractions
  2. Question 2 on simplify and multiply two fractions