Knowledge Management Basics
Practical Action
- you haven’t done something for a while, and you are not sure how things and processes have
moved on.
A Peer Assist does the following:
- Targets a specific technical or commercial challenge;
- Gains assistance and insight from people outside the team;
- Identifies possible approaches and new lines of inquiry;
- Promotes sharing of learning with each other;
- Develops strong networks among staff.
[Techniques for Capturing Learning in Tearfund, learn.doc]
• Knowledge Fair
Knowledge Fairs are seminars and workshops arranged to make people aware of technologies
that are applicable across different sectors, and of other people who are exploring them. An
example could be a meeting on procedures used in micro-credit projects.
• After Action Review
An After Action Review is meant to capture learning shortly after a particular event or action
has been completed. It helps to make the informal learning process a conscious learning
process and makes learning explicit. The AAR is about short-term knowledge capture.
• Mentoring
Mentoring is a one-to-one learning relationship in which a senior member of an organisation is
assigned to support the development of a newer or more junior member by sharing his or her
knowledge, experience and wisdom with them. Related term: Coaching. (Note: While the
strength of mentoring lies in transferring the mentor's specific knowledge and wisdom, in
coaching it lies in the coach's ability to facilitate and develop the other's own personal
qualities.) [KM Glossary]
• Communities of Practice (Networks)
Networks of people who work on similar processes or in similar disciplines, and who come
together to develop and share their knowledge in that field for the benefit of both themselves
and their organisation(s). They may be created formally or informally, and they can interact
online or in person. Related term: Communities of interest. [KM Glossary]
• Intranets, Extranets
Intranet is a private network inside a company or organization, which uses software facilities
of the Internet, but is for internal use only, and is not accessible to the public. Intranets are
seen also as infrastructure to integrate and manage wealth of information and other tools. The
familiar browser is the front-end to make use of the intranet resources.
An extranet is an intranet extended beyond the organization boundaries. When selective
access is provided to entities outside the organization and intranet becomes an extranet. For
example, if your organization allows its suppliers, clients, partners you with etc. to have
access and to make contribution to your intranet, its an extranet. Access would of course be
restricted by security means like user ids and passwords etc. Extranet is equally suitable with
organizations, NGOs, that work with other partners and institutions as this can enhance
cooperation, collaboration and communication among.
• Mailing Lists
A list of email addresses of a group of people to whom information materials are sent by
• Electronic Conferences, Discussion Forums
Discussion Forums are online network discussion platform to encourage and manage online
text discussions over a period of time among members of special interest groups or teams.
These are very useful in capturing tacit knowledge. Discussion forums are also referred to as
collaborative workspace. The discussion forums offer promising opportunities, by enabling