120 p r e v e n t i n g s e x u a l a b u s e
To help your child learn to say ‘no’
Help your child trust his feelings and
encourage him to talk to you about
what he feels.
Have you ever wanted to stay
away from some children
because you felt they were
going to harm you?
Ask your child to tell you
or another adult right
away if someone asks him
to do anything he feels
uncomfortable doing.
When you have those
feelings about the way
someone is treating
you, come talk to me
about it.
Help your child practice saying ‘no.’ First, try making up situations in
which a child may want to say ‘no.’
Norma was on her way
to school and a boy came
along and pushed her down.
How did Norma feel? What
could she do about it?
Later, talk about saying ‘no’
and where your child can get
You can say ‘no’
to other children
who want to touch
your body. Yell ‘no’
over and over and
fight back until
they stop.
helping children who are blind
Some people don’t
respect the rules about
no touching. Where could
you go for help if I am
at work? How about your
Aunt Rose? Or Lisa’s
mother? Who else?