A Practical Guide to Education Chapter 8


Teaching methodology

Baker, A. & Green, E. (1987). Storytelling: Art and technique. NewYork, NY: R.R. Bowken Co.

Denman, G. (1991). Sit tight and I'll swing you a tail: Using and writing stories with young people. NY: Henemann Educational Books.

Joice, B & Weil, M (1996). Models of teaching. MA: A Simon and Shuster Company.

Johnson & Johnson (1994). Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning. Needham Heights: A Paramount Communications Company.

Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986). Techniques and principles in language teaching. UK: Oxford University Press.

Kaye, P. (1991). Games for learning. New York, NY: Farrar Straus Giroux.

Shaftel, F. (1967). Role playing of social values. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


Community participation

Shaeffer, S (1994). Participation for educational change: A synthesis of experience. Paris, France: UNESCO/IIEP.

Curriculum guides and materials

Baxter, P. (1995/1996). Environment education programme: Training of trainers module. UNESCO/PEER.

Children working for peace: A manual for the teacher in the classroom (1995). UNICEF & Oxford Development Education Center.

Handbook for teachers trainers in Zimbabwe. Ministry of Education: Zimbabwe.

Mack, N. (1997). Bosnia project. Elementary mathematics module: Patterns, relationships, and number sense. University of Pittsburgh.

Republic of Botswana: Primary school syllabuses for all subjects: Standard 1-7. Curriculum Development Unit, Department of Curriculum Development and Evaluation: Botswana Ministry of Education.

Sesnan, B. (1995). The teacher's friend: A Guide for Teachers in Southern Sudan. UNESCO-Peer and UNICEF.

The SPARK Handbook: A guide for teachers in Zambia's community schools. Zambia:UNICEF.

The teachers emergency package (TEP). Rwanda: UNESCO/UNICEF.

THE ZEDUKIT/Zambia education kit: Integrated support for Zambian teachers of grades 1 to 4. Zambia: UNICEF & Government of the Republic of Zambia.

Wiles, J. & Bondi, J. (1993). Curriculum development: A guide to practice. New York, NY: MacMillan Publishing Company.

Education in emergencies

Boyden, J. & Ryder, P. (1996). The provision of education to children affected by armed conflict. UK, Oxford.

Guidelines for educational assistance to refugees (1995, June). UNHCR.

Pigozzi, M. J. (1996). Education for emergencies and for reconstruction. New York, NY: UNICEF Education Section.