Information of
Flowers and leaves of common bean
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Anthracnose on bean pods
Anthracnose on beans
Anthracnose on young French bean plant
Common blight on beans
Mexican bean weevil - the Mexican bean weevil is about 2-3cm long.
Spiny brown bugs measure about 1cm in length.
Rust on lower leaf surface of French beans. Symptoms are similar on green grams.
Bean rust on upper leaf surface
Fusarium wilt on French beans
Striped bean weevil on beans
Foliage beetles damage on French beans
African bollworm on french beans - Fully grown caterpillars are 3-4cm long.
African bollworm feeding on flower of French beans - African bollworm caterpillars are 3-4 cm long
Bean fly on French beans
Bean seed fly damage on French beans
Bacterial blight on beans
Angular leafspots on beans
Angular leafspots on French bean pods.
Fusarium root rot on beans
Halo blight on beans
Leafhopper - Adults are 2-2.5mm long.
Root-knot nematode damage on beans
Common mosaic virus on beans
Bean fly maggot in a French bean stem.
Bean fly pupa in a French bean stem.
Damage to French bean plants by larvae of the stripped bean weevil. Note larva inside stem. Inset- close-up of larva.
French bean plants damaged by larvae of the stripped bean weevil.
French bean pods heavily attacked by black bean aphids.
Heavy attack of black aphids on a French bean plant.
Whiteflies on French beans.
French bean pods with powdery mildew.
Powdery mildew on French beans.
Dry beans seed label
French bean seed sprouting
French beans flowers
French beans pods
Zinc deficiency on beans
Iron deficiency on beans
White mould (cottony leak) on French beans caused by the fun
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