Information of
Mango ( Mangifera indica)
Powdery mildew on young mango leaves
Powdery mildew on mango fruitlet
Flower stalk and young fruit affected by powdery mildew.
Mango panicle affected by powdery mildew. Note white powdery growth and low fruit set.
Bacterial black spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindica) on mango leaves
Bacterial black spot symptoms on mango fruit. Note star-like cracks on the fruit.
Mango seed weevil adult, after emerging of from a mango. Realsize: 8 mm long.
Grub of mango seed weevil
Egg of mango seed weevil on mango fruit. The very small egg laying scars are barely discernable at harvest.
Soft brown scale (Coccus hesperidum). Scales are small, they attain a length of 1-7mm. Note ants tending scales.
Mango stem end rot
Mango rose flower beetle feeding on panicle.
Mango fruits and farmers inspecting a mango tree
Mango leaf damaged by leaf gall fly.
Anthracnose damage on young mango fruits
Close-up of galls caused by gall flies on mango leaf.
Mango leaves showing symptoms of leaf-coating mite attack.
Mealybugs on a mango fruit.
Close-up termites on a mango stem.
Damage caused by tip wilter on young a mango shoot.
Fruit fly maggot in mango fruit.
Fruit fly pupae
Mango seed weevils
Information of