Information of
Pea (Pisum sativum) - Leaves and pods.
Ascochyta spots on snowpeas
Ascochyta pod spots on snowpeas
Fusarium wilt on snowpeas
African bollworm caterpillar feeding on peas - Fully grown caterpillars are 3-4cm long.
Caterpillar of the pea blue butterfly and damage to peas
Blue pea butterfly. Male wingspan is 2.8-3.4 cm, upperside purplish-blue suffused with grey scales and with a distinct black marginal line; marginal fringe greyish-white. Female wingspan is 2.5-4.2 cm; upperside dark brown with purple scales at the base and discal area.
Brown hairy caterpillar on snowpea. Real size: about 40 mm long.
Caterpillar damage on snowpeas
Damage by caterpillar on garden pea leaves
Damage by the beet armyworm on garden peas. Real size about 25 to 30 mm long.
Damage by leafminer maggots
Leafminer fly and damage caused by adult leafminer on peas.
Thrips damage on snowpea pods
The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a large, rather long-bodied aphid, with long slender appendages (legs and cornicles), which forms colonies on young growth and developing pods of many. Wingless forms of females are usually 2.5-4.4mm long, winged females range from 2.3 tp 4.3 mm.
Pea aphids on a snow pea pod.
Leafminer damage on snow pea pods.
Powdery mildew on peas.
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