Information of
Zucchini plant
Cucurbita pepo flower
Cucurbita pepo seeds
Mosaic virus on cucurbit leaf
Fruit fly maggot in cucurbit
Water melon damage by fruit fly
Epilachna larvae and damage to cucurbit leaf. Adults and larvae feed on the leaf surface, scraping away cells to form open windows, causing the leaf to wither. Extensive feeding can completely skeletonize the leaf.
Epilachna adult feeding on cucurbit leaf. Adults and larvae feed on the leaf surface, scraping away cells to form open windows, causing the leaf to wither. Extensive feeding can completely skeletonize the leaf. They can sometimes also feed on the fruit causing surface damage through which secondary infection may occur.
Epilachna beetle damage to cucurbit. Adults and larvae feed on the leaf surface, scraping away cells to form open windows, causing the leaf to wither. Extensive feeding can completely skeletonise the leaf. They can sometimes also feed on the fruit causing surface damage through which secondary infection may occur.
Foliage beetle feeding on cucurbit leaf
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