Information of
Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera)
Coconut palms killed by lethal disease
Lethal yellowing disease of coconut palms. Note yellow leaves and a dead palm without leaves.
Adult coconut bug on coconut bunch
Nymph of coconut bug
Coconut bug damage on mature nuts
Young nuts (nutlets) showing gummosis due to feeding by the coconuts bug
Poor nut set due to coconut bug attack
Coconut nutlets damaged by the coconut bug
Coconut damaged by the coconut bug. Inset: adult of the coconut bug
Weaver ants preying on nymph of coconut bug (marked by black arrow)
Weaver ant nests on coconut palm
Weaver ant nest on bush growing in the surroundings of a coconut plantation
Nuts damaged by the coconut mite
Rhinoceros beetle. Real size: 3.5-5 cm long
Grubs of the rhinoceros beetle. Grubs live and feed in dead coconut logs.
Coconut leaf showing damage by the rhinoceros beetle. Note typical V-shaped damage.
Iron rods use for hooking rhinocerus beetles out of coconut palms.
Coconut scale
Damage by the coconut mite. Note splitting of the husk due to mite attack.
Seedling affected by dry bud rot (right).
Damage by palm weevil
Lethal bole rot (Marasmiellus cocophilus)
Coconut scale (Aspidiotus destructor)
African palm weevil adults (Rhynchophorus phoenicis).
Information of