Examples on How to Add Fractions

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Lesson Objective
After understanding the basics, let's see a few more examples on how to add fractions.
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About This Lesson
Once you understand the basics behind adding fractions, it is time to look at several more examples.

In this lesson, we will learn how to add fractions which are in the form of:
  1. Whole number + proper fraction
  2. Mixed + proper fractions with like denominator
  3. Mixed + proper fractions with unlike denominators
The math video below will explain how...
Adding fractions

Study Tips

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Tip #1
By now, you should know that we can only add fractions that have like denominators.

If the fractions have unlike denominators, it is important to manipulate the fractions (e.g. using Equivalent Fractions) so that the denominators become the same.
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Tip #2
When we add fractions, one of the given fraction may be a mixed fraction. Now, generally speaking, it is better to convert this fraction into an improper fraction first before adding. This is illustrated below:
convert mixed to improper fraction

If you are not sure on how to do this conversion, click here for the lesson.
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Tip #3
We may need to add a whole number with a fraction. For example: 
Add 2 with 1/3

Now, we can easily get the answer by just combining the whole number and the fraction together as shown below:
Shortcut to get the answer

The math video below will explain the reasons behind this.

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Practice Questions & More

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Now, let's try some MCQ questions to understand this lesson better.

You can start by going through the series of questions on how to add fractions or pick your choice of question below.
  1. Question 1 on adding a whole number with a proper fraction
  2. Question 2 on adding a mixed fraction with a proper fraction