Multiplying Fractions

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Lesson Objective
In this lesson, we will learn the basics behind multiplying fractions and will be using some examples to explain how this multiplication works.
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About This Lesson
It is easier to multiply fractions as compared to adding or subtracting fractions. This is because we don't have to worry about the denominators.

In this lesson, we will learn how to multiply two fractions that:
  1. are proper fractions
  2. a proper fraction and a mixed fraction.
The study tips and math video below will explain more.
multiplying fractions

Study Tips

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Tip #1
When multiplying fractions, the denominators don't have to be the same.
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Tip #2 - How to Multiply Fractions
Below are steps to multiply two fractions:
  1. Multiply the numerators:
    Multiply the numerators (2 x 1 = 2)
  2. Multiply the denominators:
    Multiply the denominators (4 x 5 = 20)
  3. Simplify the fraction if possible:
    Simplify the fraction 2/20
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Tip #3 - Multiplying Mixed Fractions
The steps below show how we can multiply mixed fractions. Let's use the following example:
Multiply 1 1/2 with 2 1/3
  1. Convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions:
    Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions
  2. After the conversions, we have:
    Multiply 3/2 with 7/3
  3. Now, multiply the fractions as usual. Simplify if possible:
    Multiply the converted fraction, 3/2 with 7/3
Watch the math video below for more explanation.

Math Video

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Lesson Video
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Math Video Transcript

Practice Questions & More

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Now, let's try some MCQ questions to understand this lesson better.

You can start by going through the series of questions on Multiplying Fractions or pick your choice of question below.
  1. Question 1 on multiplying two proper fractions
  2. Question 2 on multiplying a mixed fraction with a proper fraction