Understanding Fractions

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Lesson Objective
Need help in understanding fractions? This lesson will show you the basic ideas on fractions and the common terms used in describing fractions...
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About This Lesson
To begin understanding fractions, this lesson introduces you the basic ideas behind fractions.

This lesson will also shows the common terms used in describing fractions. These terms are:
  1. Numerator
  2. Denominator
  3. Proper Fractions
  4. Improper Fractions
  5. Mixed Fractions

You can proceed by reading the study tips first or watch the math video or try out the practice questions.
proper, improper and mixed fractions

Study Tips

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Tip #1 - Numerator and Denominator
When we divide two numbers, we will usually write the expression this way:

Now, the above expression can also be written in the form of fraction as shown in the picture on the right.

Notice that, the fraction is divided into 2 parts. The upper part is the numerator and the lower part is the denominator.

The math video below will explain more.
fraction's numerator and denominator
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Tip #2 - Proper Fractions
When a fraction's numerator is lesser than the denominator, this fraction is a proper fraction. Below are some examples:
                     5/20  , 3/, 7/8

proper fraction
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Tip #3 - Improper Fractions & Mixed Fractions
A fraction is considered as an improper fraction when its numerator is greater or equals to the denominator. Below are some examples:

                  8/, 2/, 20/6 , 5/5

Note that, mixed fraction is actually equivalent to proper fraction. The only difference is the way they are written.

The picture on the right illustrates this. The math video below will explain more on this.
Improper and mixed fraction

Math Video

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Lesson video
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Math Video Transcript

Practice Questions & More

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Now, let's try some MCQ questions to understand this lesson better.

You can start by going through the series of questions on Understanding Fractions or pick your choice of question below.
  1. Question 1 on the basics terms needed in understanding fractions