Terms of Use

Welcome to the Scratch Community!

As part of the Scratch community, you are sharing projects and ideas with people:
- from many different countries and cultures
- of all ages (from young children to teens and grandparents)
- with all levels of experience

We need your help to make this community a supportive place for every member. Here's how you can help:

Be respectful. When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see your contributions.
Offer constructive comments. Instead of just criticizing a project or forum post, say what you like about it and offer suggestions on how to make it better.
Give credit. Feel free to make modified versions of other people's projects - just make sure to give them credit. One place to give credit is in your Project Notes.
Be honest. Don't pretend to be someone other than who you are or try to game the community.
Keep personal information private. Don't share your email address, phone number, or other personal contact information.
Help keep the site friendly. If you feel others would find a project or comment mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click the link that says "flag as inappropriate." In the Forums, you can do the same thing by clicking on the "Report" link below a post. The Scratch team will review, and may remove any project, comment or post.

All projects shared on the Scratch website, as well as the Scratch support materials, are shared under the Creative Commons license with the conditions: Attribution - Share Alike. The Scratch software is completely free of charge and its source code is available under the Scratch License. The software behind the Scratch website is under the General Public License version 2.

To learn more about Scratch moderation policies, visit the Moderation on the Scratch website page.

Check back here from time-to-time, because we are always trying to improve our guidelines. Please post any suggestions on the Scratch Suggestions page or on the forums.

Thank you for joining and contributing to the Scratch community!

Scratch Team
Lifelong Kindergarten Group
MIT Media Lab