
Khan Academy on a Stick

Naming alkenes

In this tutorial, Sal names alkenes and discusses the E-Z system.

Alkene reactions

In this tutorial, Sal introduces reaction mechanisms and demonstrates a few reactions of alkenes.

Alkene nomenclature

In this tutorial, Jay names alkenes, discusses the stability of alkenes, and introduces the E/Z system.

Alkene reactions

In this tutorial, Jay explains the addition reactions of alkenes.

Naming and preparing alkynes

In this tutorial, Jay covers the nomenclature and preparation of alkynes, the acidity of terminal alkynes, and the alkylation of alkynes.

Alkyne reactions

In this tutorial, Jay shows the reactions of alkynes.

Synthesis using alkynes

In this tutorial, Jay demonstrates how to use Dr. Schwartz's organic flowsheet to solve synthesis problems involving alkynes. Always remember, pain is temporary, orgo is forever!