c h apter 12
Caring for your baby
The constant attention and care a new baby needs can be very tiring and frustrating.
Almost all mothers rely on family, friends, neighbors, child-care workers, and
teachers to help.
Some women with disabilities will learn quickly to
take care of a baby. But if your disability means you need
help with your daily work, you will probably also need
help caring for the daily needs of your baby. Newborn
babies need to be fed and changed often. So do not get
discouraged if you need to ask for help. All new mothers
get assistance if they can to help with the baby.
My baby knows I’m
his mother. He doesn’t
even notice I have a
No matter how much help you may need, you are still your
baby’s mother. Allowing someone to help you care for your
baby does not make you any less of a mother. Even when you
ask another person to be your eyes, ears, arms, or legs, you
are the one deciding about how to meet your baby’s needs,
her safety, and her well-being. That is what a mother does.
Keeping the baby close to you, day and night, so she can see
your face, hear your voice, and feel and smell your body, will
assure that your baby knows who her mother is—you!