Online Fraction Calculator

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Fraction calculator
This is an online fraction calculator. This calculator not only gives you the answer but also the sample solution (i.e. steps) for your reference.

Fraction Calculator

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How to use this calculator
  1. Fill in the blue boxes with numbers that are ranging 1 to 99. You can do this either by keying the numbers yourself or use the 'Generate Numbers' button. 
  2. Next, pick whether you want to add (+), subtract (-), multiply (×) or divide (÷) these fractions.
  3. Click on the 'Calculate' button.
The sample answer and solution will be shown below the calculator.

Generate Numbers
Clear Boxes
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Sample Solution & Answer
The following are the sample solution and answer for your reference. Please be reminded that there might be a faster way of doing the calculation.

Ways to Use

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Using this calculator
You can use this calculator in many ways. Here are some ideas:
  1. Check your fraction homework answers with it.
  2. Use it to generate practice questions. Remember that practice makes perfect.
  3. Use the sample solution as a guide to help you to solve questions that you are not sure about.