would be understood. These findings and understating would enhance the
quality of the secondary school assessment system in the country, both
qualitatively and quantitatively. The proposed research work has been
designed to explore the following areas- i) To identify the various assessment
tools at secondary level in Bangladesh; ii) To evaluate the effectiveness of
SBA; iii) To measure the gap between the actual results generated and results
obtained by the SBA; iv) To identify the form of support extended by the top
2. Measuring Effectiveness of School Improvement Plan (SIP) of
Plan Bangladesh
Goutam Roy, Research and Evaluation Coordinator, Plan Bangladesh
The intention of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) is to improve learners’
achievement by creating a positive environment for learning, by establishing
an effective school management system and by increasing the involvement
of parents and community. The aim of this study was to measure the
effectiveness of SIP of Plan Bangladesh in order to ensure the quality of
primary education. The study employed the mixed method approach to
explore the exact scenario of the interventions through data collection from
both primary and secondary sources. The primary data was collected from
teachers, students, local bodies and community members using different
techniques i.e. testing procedures, in-depth interviews, FGD and
observation while secondary data was collected from project documents. A
total of 15 intervention and 5 control schools were selected randomly for
students’ tests and achievement scores. It was revealed that intervention
school students perform evidently better in tests. Students who came from
preschools also scored higher in the tests compared to the performance of
students without any pre-school experience and gender disparity was
minimized. Teachers received different types of training offered by SIP
focusing on knowledge and skill development, quality teaching and student
learning. It was observed that most of the SIP schools had adequate teaching
and learning aids, teachers created learner-friendly and joyful environment
in the classrooms, and assessed students to facilitate their learning. The
teachers were also found to be conscious about inclusive practice in
classroom teaching-learning activities. The SIP program established a
learning network and child ministry in the school which created
opportunities among students to share their views and knowledge and also
developed leadership among the students. The study revealed that local
community, parents, school management committee, and Union Parishad
leaders were active in school activities to ensure quality education including
the monitoring of school activities and providing feedback. The SIP as a
Poverty and Development: Realities of Grassroots 13