learning. MULTIMEDIA CLASSROOM means a classroom with projector,
laptop and internet connections or at least modem. Smart school is a
learning institution that has been systematically reinvented in terms of
teaching and learning practices and school management in order to prepare
children for the information and communication technologies era. There are
four important elements in Smart School that are Smart Learning, Smart
Teaching, Smart Assessment and also Smart use of Technology. Using ICT in
classroom can make students to be the best future knowledge worker in
order to be prepared to accomplish the country’s vision of becoming a
middle income country in the world by 2021.
2. Pre-school education for the slow learners
Syed Abul Farah, SAP Bangladesh, Barguna
This model comes out through a test. As part of the test, ten pre-school
aged slow children from ten communities were selected and admitted to ten
pre-schools in Barguna sadar upazila. All of them became active to play,
friendship and learning through this process. Five slow children were
selected from the children with disability. After one year, they were able to
change their learning capacity. The process kept record of learners’
attendance and assessment information, information of teachers’
attendance, classroom decoration and environment, class facilitation skill,
using education materials and community participation. It was found that
pre-school session facilitation technique is important factor for slow
learners. Alongside, pre-school materials, learners’ and teachers’ interaction
and group activities are significant factors for achieving result. It also proves
that learners’ small group actions bring behavioural change among children.
3. Mobile Schooling for Street Children: An Innovative Model
Dr. Md. Shakhawat Ullah Chowdhury, Programme Coordinator, Department
of General Education, Southern University Bangladesh
Children living on the street are the most vulnerable, exploited and face
the highest risks in Bangladesh. As a special group of children in grave
situation, these children are helpless being deprived of the basic necessities
of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing and psychological supports. In the
absence of the fulfillment of these basic needs, mere survival of the child
becomes impossible and they grow up as unwanted members of the society.
Because of the negligence, they continue to suffer these children grow as
child labor, beggars, shoplifters, and pick-pocketers, gangsters, low paid
domestic servants, and so on. They are often being victim to every physical
and moral danger and as they grow older, they often become a danger to
others. After such precarious childhoods, most of them are condemned to
Poverty and Development: Realities of Grassroots 29