How to learn or teach Odia ? |
dhwani-Unicode, write Odia using English letters. |
ITRANS and Unicode Links |
How to read and write Odia (Oriya) using Unicode fonts in your computer? |
We have 3 softwares for different versions of MS Windows Operating Systems. We encourage our users to use "dhwanI Unicode" for windows XP and above.
This is probably the First Unicode Translitorator for Oriya (oDiA) Language. The current version is 1.3. If you have the old versions, upgrade to the newer 1.3 version. Download dhwanI Unicode Version 1.3 here. If you are upgrading from an older version, here are the instructions.
Again, we encourage our users to use "dhwanI Unicode" for users having Windows XP (SP2), 2003 and up. This is because the future softwares will support unicode characters only. Users having our old "dhwanI", can use the same ITRANS text file for the same output.
We provide software for writing oDiA in transliteration (ITRANS). Imagine when you write 'jagannAth' in Roman letters, you'll get the trans-li-te-ra-ted word in ODiA. Our 'dhwanI Unicode Version 1.3' software makes it possible. Here are few of the most exciting features.
Ans:- Your computer is not set to enable Oriya/Indic(Indian languages) on Windows XP.
Follow the following procedure to enable it:
1. Go to "Control Panel" (from the Start button)
2. Go to "Regional and Language Options".
3. Click the Languages tab.
4. Check (click) the line marked "Install files for complex scriptsand right to left languages (including Thai)"
This may ask for "Windows XP CD" to be inserted in source drive if only English Languaged selected at the time of original OSinstallation.
5. Follow the installation/instructions
6. Reboot/restart the computer.
7. Again go to Start-->Control Panel-->Regional and Language Options-->Language-->Details...-->Add...-->Add Input Langages and select Oriya and other required languages from the drop down list one by one.
As Oriya is not released/enabled in Windows XP now, "HINDI" has to be selected presently.
Oriya input/display possible anyhow now under "Hindi" setting.
But proper rendering of some conjucts in traditional form may notappear in some computers. However this will be automatically rectified in future.
Ans:- You have to uninstall the old version. Then install the new version.
Follow the following instructions to uninstall the older version:
1. Go to "Control Panel" (from the Start button)
2. Go to "Add or Remove programs".
3. Select dhwaniUnicode to uninstall.
We provide software for writing oDiA in transliteration (ITRANS). Imagine when you write 'jagannAth' in Roman letters, you'll get the trans-li-te-ra-ted word in ODiA. Our 'Dhwani' software makes it possible. We are developing a MSOffice patch for this software, and it is in the final stage of its development.
Using the ITRANS encoding, you can get Sanskrit slokas as well as old Hindi movie songs in Roman script. Use 'Dhwani' software and write them in Odia!
^ TOPOdiphon is a great piece of software developed by Debu (Debashish Rath). This is very useful software for handling big documents. If you know oDiA and want to write stories, novels etc, this is for you. Debu's hypermart web page is no longer available in the Internet. So we host his software here. We hope he won't mind. If Debu is reading this, please contact us. We are a big fans of his software. Keep up the good work Debu! (If anybody have contacts with Debasish Rath, please let us know his contact data.)
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