Lesson 11f

11.2 Repeat each sentence.

Complete the following sentences with “it by the door.”
I place (I place it by the door.) / I placed (I placed it by the door.) / I will place (I will place it by the door.)
She places (She places it by the door.) / She placed (She placed it by the door.) / She will place (She will place it by the door.)
You place (You place it by the door.) / You placed (You placed it by the door.) / You will place (You will place it by the door.)

Complete the following sentences with “them down by our feet.”
We place (We place them down by our feet.) / We placed (We placed them down by our feet.) / We will place (We will place them down by our feet.)
They place (They place them down by our feet.) / They placed (They placed them down by our feet.) / They will place (They will place them down by our feet.)

Complete the following sentences with “the store at dawn.”
I enter (I enter the store at dawn.) / I entered (I entered the store at dawn.) / I will enter (I will enter the store at dawn.)
She enters (She enters the store at dawn.) / She entered (She entered the store at dawn.) / She will enter (She will enter the store at dawn.)
You enter (You enter the store at dawn.) / You entered (You entered the store at dawn.) / You will enter (You will enter the store at dawn.)

Complete the following sentences with “public property here.”
We enter (We enter public property here.) / We entered (We entered public property here.) / We will enter (We will enter public property here.)
They enter (They enter public property here.) / They entered (They entered public property here.) / They will enter (They will enter public property here.)