Lesson 11k

11.7 Repeat each letter of the alphabet.

A / a
B / b
C / c
D / d
E / e
F / f
G / g
H / h
I / i
J / j
K / k
L / l
M / m
N / n
O / o
P / p
Q / q
R / r
S / s
T / t
U / u
V / v
W / w
X / x
Y / y
Z / z

11.8 I will ask, “Did you put them in jail?” You will answer, “No, I didn’t put them in jail.” I will ask, “Did they guard it together?” You will answer, “No, they didn’t guard it together.”

11.8a Did you put them in jail?
(No, I didn’t put them in jail.) No, I didn’t put them in jail. (No, I didn’t put them in jail.)

11.8b Did they guard it together?
(No, they didn’t guard it together.) No, they didn’t guard it together. (No, they didn’t guard it together.)

11.8c Did she help them work?
(No, she didn’t help them work.) No, she didn’t help them work. (No, she didn’t help them work.)

11.8d Did he find everything himself?
(No, he didn’t find everything himself.) No, he didn’t find everything himself. (No, he didn’t find everything himself.)

11.8e Does she tell them to walk?
(No, she doesn’t tell them to walk.) No, she doesn’t tell them to walk. (No, she doesn’t tell them to walk.)

11.8f Do you come together?
(No, we don’t come together.) No, we don’t come together. (No, we don’t come together.)

11.8g Do we wonder about today?
(No, we don’t wonder about today.) No, we don’t wonder about today. (No, we don’t wonder about today.)

11.8h Does he hold the child’s hand?
(No, he doesn’t hold the child’s hand.) No, he doesn’t hold the child’s hand. (No, he doesn’t hold the child’s hand.)