Lesson 14j

14.7 Repeat each sentence.

14.7a Everyone sold a house. (Everyone sold a house.)
Everyone in this group owned a house. (Everyone in this group owned a house.)
Everyone sold a house. (Everyone sold a house.)

14.7b Everyone who owned a house sold it. (Everyone who owned a house sold it.)
Some in this group owned a house. (Some in this group owned a house.)
Some did not own a house. (Some did not own a house.)
Those who owned a house sold it. (Those who owned a house sold it.)

14.7c Every car was repaired. (Every car was repaired.)
Every car in this group needed to be repaired. (Every car in this group needed to be repaired.)
Every car was repaired. (Every car was repaired.)

14.7d Every car that needed to be repaired was fixed. (Every car that needed to be repaired was fixed.)
Some cars in this group needed to be repaired. (Some cars in this group needed to be repaired.)
Some cars did not need to be repaired. (Some cars did not need to be repaired.)
Those cars that needed it were repaired. (Those cars that needed it were repaired.)

14.7e Every member was sick and was given help. (Every member was sick and was given help.)
Every member in this group was sick. (Every member in this group was sick.)
Every member was given help. (Every member was given help.)

14.7f Every member who was sick was given help. (Every member who was sick was given help.)
Some members in this group were sick. (Some members in this group were sick.)
Some members were not sick. (Some members were not sick.)
The members who were sick were given help. (The members who were sick were given help.)

14.7g Every person on the list was called. (Every person on the list was called.)
There were many people’s names on the list. (There were many people’s names on the list.)
Every person was called. (Every person was called.)

14.7h Every person with a name that began with the letter “M” was called. (Every person with a name that began with the letter “M” was called.)
There were many people’s names on the list. (There were many people’s names on the list.)
Some of the names began with the letter “M.” (Some of the names began with the letter “M.”)
Only those people with names that began with the letter “M” were called. (Only those people with names that began with the letter “M” were called.)