Lesson 14l

14.9 Repeat each sentence.

14.9a How high is that mountain? (How high is that mountain?)
Its height is over 11,000 feet. (Its height is over 11,000 feet.)

14.9b How wide is their house? (How wide is their house?)
Its width is almost 50 feet. (Its width is almost 50 feet.)

14.9c How deep is the water? (How deep is the water?)
Its depth is about 100 feet. (Its depth is about 100 feet.)

14.9d How long is this bed? (How long is this bed?)
Its length is about six feet. (Its length is about six feet.)

14.9e How thick is that book? (How thick is that book?)
Its thickness is greater than any of the others. (Its thickness is greater than any of the others.)

14.9f How strong is that boy? (How strong is that boy?)
His strength is very great. (His strength is very great.)

14.9g How powerful is this car? (How powerful is this car?)
Its power is greater than that one over there. (Its power is greater than that one over there.)

14.9h How weak is that woman? (How weak is that woman?)
Her weakness is extreme. (Her weakness is extreme.)

14.9i How dark is it inside the house? (How dark is it inside the house?)
The darkness is more than we can stand. (The darkness is more than we can stand.)

14.9j How hot is the fire? (How hot is the fire?)
Its heat is very high. (Its heat is very high.)