Lesson 16 Table 5



accept, except:

to accept   =   to receive;   He accepted the book even though it was damaged.

to except   =   to exclude;   I will except payment for the damaged book.


adapt, adopt:

to adapt   =   to become accustomed;   She adapted well to the hot climate.

to adopt   =     to take as one’s own;   They adopted the baby after his parents died.


adverse, averse:

adverse   =   unfavorable;   His response to the suggestion was adverse.

averse   =   opposed;   He was averse to the suggestion.


affect, effect:

to affect   =   to influence;   He wanted to affect change in the school.

effect   =   the result;   The effect of the change will be important to the school.


all ready, already:

all ready   =   completely prepared;   I was all ready to take my exam.

already   =   previously;   I had already studied for the exam.


all together, altogether:

all together   =   everyone gathered;   They will be all together at the airport.

altogether   =   entirely;   It is altogether possible that the plane will be late.


allusion, illusion:

allusion   =   reference;   They made allusion to the emergency.

illusion   =   false impression;   The smoke gave the illusion of a serious accident.


anyone, any one:

anyone   =   any person at all;   Anyone who was waiting over there may go in.

any one   =   a particular person in a group;   Any one with a ticket may go in.


beside, besides:

beside   =   at the side of;   He was standing beside the house.

besides   =   except;   He took everything besides the things inside the house.


capital, capitol:

capital   =   city or wealth;   Washington, D.C. is the United States’ capital.

There is enough capital on hand to finish the project.

capitol   =   government building;   The capitol is in Washington, D.C.


censor, censure:

to censor   =   to remove;   The school librarian censored the book.

to censure   =   to criticize;   The librarian censured the students for talking.


cite, site:

to cite   =   to quote;   She did not cite enough references in her article.

site   =   a place;   Her article described a site in New York.


climactic, climatic:

climactic   =   highest intensity;   It was the climactic event of the day.

climatic   =   weather;   The climatic conditions were excellent.


coarse, course:

coarse   =   rough;   The road is covered with coarse rocks.

course   =   a study;   The course will include everything to the advanced level.


complement, compliment:

to complement   =   to go with;   That hat will complement her new coat.

to compliment   =   to flatter;   I complimented her on her hat.


conscience, conscious:

conscience   =   moral principle;   His conscience bothered him after he said it.

conscious   =   aware;   He was conscious of his mistake.


continual, continuous:

continual   =   repeated regularly;   The noise was continual throughout the day.

continuous   =   extended without interruption;   It was a continuous problem.


elicit, illicit:

to elicit   =   to bring out;   The police officer finally elicited the truth from him.

illicit   =   unlawful or immoral;   He sold illicit drugs before.


emigrate, immigrate:

to emigrate   =   to leave a country;   Their entire family emigrated from Russia.

to immigrate   =   to enter a country;   Three of the brothers immigrated to the U.S.


eminent, imminent:

eminent   =   outstanding;   The symphony’s performance was eminent.

imminent   =   about to happen;   The conductor’s entrance was imminent.


everyone, every one:

everyone   =   unspecified number of people;   Everyone was waiting.

every one   =     each individual;   Every one will need a ticket to enter.


farther, further:

farther   =   distance;   The house you are looking for is farther from here.

further   =   quantity or degree;   It is still further up the road.


imply, infer:

to imply   =   to suggest;   The author implied that his book was finished.

to infer   =   to conclude;   We can infer that it will be another good book.


in, into

in   =   location;   The house is in that direction.

into   =   direction;   We walked into the house together.


lie, lay:

to lie   =   to recline or rest;   Go ahead and lie down on the bed.

to lay   =   to put or place;   You may lay your things over there.


loose, lose:

loose   =   not securely fastened;   The money in his pocket was loose.

to lose   =   to misplace;   If you are not careful, you will lose your money.


maybe, may be:

maybe   =   possibly;   Maybe I can find another book if I hurry.

may be   =   might be;   That may be the book you are looking for.


precede, proceed:

to precede   =   to come before;     Her part in the play preceded the music.

to proceed   =   to go forward;     They proceeded with the play even though it was late.


principal, principle:

principal   =   head of a school;   The principal spoke to the students yesterday.

principle   =   a basic truth;   He suggested that fairness be a principle of all behavior.


raise, rise:

to raise   =   to move upward;   He raised the flag at sunrise.

to rise   =   to go up;   You will need to rise early to see the sunrise.


respectfully, respectively:

respectfully   =   showing respect;   The children respectfully helped their parents.

respectively   =   each in the order given;   Their father and mother died respectively.


set, sit:

to set   =   to put or place;   They set the plates on the table.

to sit   =   to be seated;   They will sit at the table when they eat.


sometime, some time, sometimes:

sometime   =   at an unstated time;   I will be here sometime before noon.

some time   =   a period of time;   It was some time before she finally arrived.

sometimes   =   now and then;   They sometimes arrive early.


there, their, they’re:

there   =   place;   Why don’t you set the books there on the table?

their   =   ownership;   They will want to get their books from off the table.

they’re   =   they are;   They’re supposed to have their own books.


weather, whether:

weather   =   climate;   I think the weather will be nice tomorrow.

whether   =   choice;   Decide tomorrow whether or not you want to come.


your, you’re:

your   =   ownership;   I think this is your coat.

you’re   =   you are;   You’re not leaving your coat there, are you?