Lesson 16g

16.5 Answer the following sentences with, “in order to find him.” I will say, “They watched the city gates ________.” You will answer, “They watched the city gates in order to find him.” I will say, “They were watching the city gates ________.” You will answer, “They were watching the city gates in order to find him.”

They watched the city gates ________.
(They watched the city gates in order to find him.) They watched the city gates in order to find him. (They watched the city gates in order to find him.)
They were watching the city gates ________.
(They were watching the city gates in order to find him.) They were watching the city gates in order to find him. (They were watching the city gates in order to find him.)
They are watching the city gates ________.
(They are watching the city gates in order to find him.) They are watching the city gates in order to find him. (They are watching the city gates in order to find him.)
They will watch the city gates ________.
(They will watch the city gates in order to find him.) They will watch the city gates in order to find him. (They will watch the city gates in order to find him.)
They will be watching the city gates ________.
(They will be watching the city gates in order to find him.) They will be watching the city gates in order to find him. (They will be watching the city gates in order to find him.)

We walked toward the house ________.
(We walked toward the house in order to find him.) We walked toward the house in order to find him. (We walked toward the house in order to find him.)
We were walking toward the house ________.
(We were walking toward the house in order to find him.) We were walking toward the house in order to find him. (We were walking toward the house in order to find him.)
We are walking toward the house ________.
(We are walking toward the house in order to find him.) We are walking toward the house in order to find him. (We are walking toward the house in order to find him.)
We will walk toward the house ________.
(We will walk toward the house in order to find him.) We will walk toward the house in order to find him. (We will walk toward the house in order to find him.)
We will be walking toward the house ________.
(We will be walking toward the house in order to find him.) We will be walking toward the house in order to find him. (We will be walking toward the house in order to find him.)
She went to his office ________.
(She went to his office in order to find him.) She went to his office in order to find him. (She went to his office in order to find him.)
She was going to his office ________.
(She was going to his office in order to find him.) She was going to his office in order to find him. (She was going to his office in order to find him.)
She is going to his office ________.
(She is going to his office in order to find him.) She is going to his office in order to find him. (She is going to his office in order to find him.)
She will go to his office ________.
(She will go to his office in order to find him.) She will go to his office in order to find him. (She will go to his office in order to find him.)
She will be going to his office ________.
(She will be going to his office in order to find him.) She will be going to his office in order to find him. (She will be going to his office in order to find him.)