Lesson 16j

16.7 Repeat each sentence.

16.7a You shouldn’t do that. (You shouldn’t do that.)
Maybe you shouldn’t do that. (Maybe you shouldn’t do that.)

16.7b You need to leave. (You need to leave.)
Don’t you need to leave? (Don’t you need to leave?)

16.7c You need to choose something. (You need to choose something.)
Can I help you choose something? (Can I help you choose something?)

16.7d Listen to what he is saying. (Listen to what he is saying.)
We need to listen to what he is saying. (We need to listen to what he is saying.)

16.7e Sit down. (Sit down.)
Please sit down. (Please sit down.)

16.7f Listen to me. (Listen to me.)
May I please have your attention? (May I please have your attention?)

16.7g You need to know this. (You need to know this.)
I think you will want to know this. (I think you will want to know this.)

16.7h We have finished our discussion. (We have finished our discussion.)
Have we finished our discussion? (Have we finished our discussion?)

16.7i You are wrong. (You are wrong.)
I don’t think that is correct. (I don’t think that is correct.)

16.7j Get out of my way. (Get out of my way.)
May I please come through? (May I please come through?)

16.7k That isn’t any of your business. (That isn’t any of your business.)
I don’t believe that concerns you. (I don’t believe that concerns you.)

16.7l It’s none of your business. (It’s none of your business.)
I’m sorry, but we will take care of that. (I’m sorry, but we will take care of that.)

16.7m I want to talk now. (I want to talk now.)
Excuse me. May I say something? (Excuse me. May I say something?)

16.7n Be more careful with that. (Be more careful with that.)
I would be more careful with that. (I would be more careful with that.)

16.7o You don’t need to know. (You don’t need to know.)
I don’t want to answer that just now. (I don’t want to answer that just now.)

16.7p Don’t do that. (Don’t do that.)
Please wait. (Please wait.)

16.7q You are late. (You are late.)
I think we need to hurry. (I think we need to hurry.)

16.7r He is coming and you are not ready. (He is coming and you are not ready.)
Isn’t he coming soon? (Isn’t he coming soon?)

16.7s Do it this way. (Do it this way.)
Let me show you how to do it. (Let me show you how to do it.)

16.7t We don’t know that. (We don’t know that.)
We don’t really know that. (We don’t really know that.)

16.7u He is always wrong. (He is always wrong.)
Sometimes we think he is wrong. (Sometimes we think he is wrong.)

16.7v I don’t want to do it now. (I don’t want to do it now.)
Could we do it another time? (Could we do it another time?)