Lesson 5f

5.9 I will ask, “Who is he talking to?” Then I will say, “Me?” You will answer, “He is talking to me.”

5.9a Who is he talking to? Me?
(He is talking to me.) He is talking to me. (He is talking to me.)

5.9b Who is he talking to? Him?
(He is talking to him.) He is talking to him. (He is talking to him.)

5.9c Who is he talking to? Her?
(He is talking to her.) He is talking to her. (He is talking to her.)

5.9d Who is he talking to? It?
(He is talking to it.) He is talking to it. (He is talking to it.)

5.9e Who are they talking to? You?
(They are talking to you.) They are talking to you. (They are talking to you.)

5.9f Who are they talking to? Us?
(They are talking to us.) They are talking to us. (They are talking to us.)

5.9g Who are they talking to? Them?
(They are talking to them.) They are talking to them. (They are talking to them.)

5.10 I will say, “Whose credit card is this? Do you own it?” You will answer, “Yes, it’s mine.”

5.10a Whose credit card is this? Do you own it?
(Yes, it’s mine.) Yes, it’s mine. (Yes, it’s mine.)

5.10b Whose credit card is this? Does he own it?
(Yes, it’s his.) Yes, it’s his. (Yes, it’s his.)

5.10c Whose credit card is this? Does she own it?
(Yes, it’s hers.) Yes, it’s hers. (Yes, it’s hers.)

5.10d Whose credit card is this? Do I own it?
(Yes, it’s yours.) Yes, it’s yours. (Yes, it’s yours.)

5.10e Whose credit card is this? Do we own it?
(Yes, it’s ours.) Yes, it’s ours. (Yes, it’s ours.)

5.10f Whose credit card is this? Do they own it?
(Yes, it’s theirs.) Yes, it’s theirs. (Yes, it’s theirs.)

5.11 I will say, “Is this your book?” You will answer, “Yes, it’s my book. I’m telling you, it’s mine.”

5.11a Is this your book?
(Yes, it’s my book. I’m telling you, it’s mine.) Yes, it’s my book. I’m telling you, it’s mine. (Yes, it’s my book. I’m telling you, it’s mine.)

5.11b Is this his book?
(Yes, it’s his book. I’m telling you, it’s his.) Yes, it’s his book. I’m telling you, it’s his. (Yes, it’s his book. I’m telling you, it’s his.)

5.11c Is this her book?
(Yes, it’s her book. I’m telling you, it’s hers.) Yes, it’s her book. I’m telling you, it’s hers. (Yes, it’s her book. I’m telling you, it’s hers.)

5.11d Is this your book?
(Yes, it’s your book. I’m telling you, it’s yours.) Yes, it’s your book. I’m telling you, it’s yours. (Yes, it’s book. I’m telling you, it’s yours.)

5.11e Is this our book?
(Yes, it’s our book. I’m telling you, it’s ours.) Yes, it’s our book. I’m telling you, it’s ours. (Yes, it’s our book. I’m telling you, it’s ours.)

5.11f Is this their book?
(Yes, it’s their book. I’m telling you, it’s theirs.) Yes, it’s their book. I’m telling you, it’s theirs. (Yes, it’s their book. I’m telling you, it’s theirs.)