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New Collision Lab Sim

Collision Lab

Learn about collisions by playing air hockey! Set up your own experiments: vary the number of discs, masses and initial conditions. Is momentum conserved? Is kinetic energy conserved? Vary the elasticity and see what happens.

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Feb 25


8 Comments | Add your comment ↓

  1. thanks for the interactive simulation.

  2. Looks interesting, playing while learning :) Let’s see if my kid can pick up the science behind this game.

  3. What an interesting way to learn about collisions and test out the various factors involved. Makes experimenting more fun while still learning in the process.

  4. Really powerful collision sim. We also found changing elasticity option is very useful.

  5. This collision sim is our favorite one, especially among male students! I like the simplicty and visual clearness.

  6. Success in your work site. Good work

  7. What an interesting way to learn about collisions and test out the various factors involved. Makes experimenting more fun while still learning in the process.

  8. HR #

    Really powerful collision sim. We also found changing elasticity option is very useful.

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