why children lose their vision and what we can do
Treatment for the baby:
Pus should be cleaned from the eyes as soon as possible with a clean
cloth and clean water.
The baby needs 2 different medicines
Give erythromycin syrup
by mouth. Give 40 mg of
syrup 4 times a day for
14 days.
Inject 125 mg ceftriaxone
into muscle
one time only.
sunrise noon
sunset night
The best place
to inject a baby
is the upper
outer part of the
If an infant has redness, swelling or pus in the eyes for more than 2
weeks, or these problems come and go for longer than 2 weeks, the baby
may need more or different medicine. See a health worker.
Note: If your baby has lost some sight, the medicine will not help her get
her sight back. But the medicine can help prevent her from losing more
of her sight.
Treatmen t for the mother and her partner:
The mother and her partner need 2 different medicines
These are safe to take even if a woman is breastfeeding.
Take 500 mg of erythromycin
by mouth 4 times a day for 7
Take 500 mg of
amoxicillin 3 times a
day for 10 days.
Take 400 mg of cefixime by
mouth one time only.
Inject 250 mg ceftriaxone into
muscle one time only.
When women cannot speak with their
partners about using condoms and
protecting their sexual health, they risk
becoming infected with gonorrhea and
chlamydia. If more women were able
to protect themselves, fewer babies
would go blind.
helping children who are blind