72 t e a c h i n g e v e r y d a y a c t i v i t i e s
Helping with your family’s work
While he will need some help at first, a child who is blind or cannot
see well can learn to help with the family’s work, just as all children
can. Give him small tasks at first, so he can feel successful. Then, as he
develops more skills, give him more difficult tasks. This makes less work
for you and shows your child he is an important part of the family. This
will build his confidence and give him hope for the future.
A young child can begin
to learn about farming by
planting seeds and caring
for the growing plants.
Later, the child can
go with his father or
mother to the fields
and help with the
planting. His feet can
follow the rows made
by the plow.
Help her understand the whole process of a task. For example,
explain about a meal — where food comes from, how it is
prepared, where dishes are kept, and how they are cleaned after a meal.
Carmencita, I’ll teach
you to wash the
dishes we just used.
helping children who are blind