a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e y o u n g b a b y 43
Here is how we
ride a horse,
back and forth,
back and forth.
Hold your baby loosely on your knees.
Slowly lift one knee so she leans a
little to one side. Then bend the other
knee. She will learn to shift her body to
balance herself.
To help your baby prepare for crawling
To crawl, a baby needs strong arms and shoulders. She must also be able
to balance while shifting her weight from side to side. These activities
can help.
Place your baby on her hands and
knees over a roll or cloth. The roll
should be big enough to give her
some support, but small enough
that she has to bear some of her own
weight. Slowly rock her forward and
backward, and from side to side.
Stay up if
you can,
Can you
find the
Place your baby over your leg or a roll
of cloth. Encourage her to reach for a
toy on one side, while her arms and
knees on the other side take some of
her weight. Repeat on the other side.
helping children who are blind