Keep Calm and Love Math

Keep Calm and Love Math…

I saw this phrase and it struck a chord. This week, I wanted to revisit an article first published in the NYT, September 13, 2013 by Manil Suri. It is a terrific piece about appreciating math and these two paragraphs got me really thinking about what math means to me:

“Despite what most people suppose, many profound mathematical ideas don’t require advanced skills to appreciate. One can develop a fairly good understanding of the power and elegance of calculus, say, without actually being able to use it to solve scientific or engineering problems.

Think of it this way: you can appreciate art without acquiring the ability to paint, or enjoy a symphony without being able to read music. Math also deserves to be enjoyed for its own sake, without being constantly subjected to the question, “When will I use this?” – Manil Suri

Obviously, those pulling down big bucks in the tech industry love and appreciate their math, but it might surprise some of you that Joffrey Ballet's Erica Edwards and Philadanco Dance Company's Chloe Davis also claim math as their favorite subject. Watch these role models share why they like math:

I like math because it allows you to comprehend, model and explain problems in the real world. If I can quantify it, then I can manage it. What does math mean to you? Do you like math because it is useful? Or, do you like math because it is beautiful? How or why did you get excited about math? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Finally, I cannot do a blog post about math without including this fabulous video clip on the “Beauty of Mathematics” by Career Girls Mathematician, Fern Hunt.