Nominate an All-Star Teacher

At Career Girls, we love teachers! So I was super excited when I saw this link in my inbox to “Nominate a Teacher” – part of the Target, People and Major League Baseball “All-Star Teacher” campaign to nominate a current or retired teacher to be a Classroom All-Star.  Thirty teachers will be selected and honored during the MLB All-Star Game, July 15th

One of my favorite questions to ask our role models is about “Helpful Teachers”. I enjoy showcasing that special teacher or teachers who made a pivotal difference in their lives.
Be sure to watch the video below for a quick sample.

For me, four teachers immediately come to mind: The first is my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Walker. Because of her, I felt special and safe. She made that first classroom less scary and foreboding. Next on my list is Miss Koss, my third grade teacher and style mentor. I was transfixed by how she matched her accessories and her seemingly endless supply of earrings and necklaces. She certainly set the standard for my accessorizing game. In fifth grade, it was Mr. DesRosier, my social studies teacher, who opened my eyes to all the different forms of government and living conditions around the world. He really helped to awaken my social conscience and sense of being a global citizen. And finally, there was Mr. Daglio, my high school biology professor, sophomore and senior years. My love of science was encouraged and allowed to soar under his tutelage and I ended up with 8 AP college credits!

How about you? Who was that teacher that opened up a world of knowledge and understanding for you? Who was that teacher that saw something special in you and changed your life? Give them a “shout out” in the comments section below and nominate them as an “All-Star Teacher” at the MLB link above.