Everyday Mentoring Tips for Parents

Being a mentor is a big responsibility. But happily, you can do many things to help a girl reach high and make her career hopes a reality. And we can help.
So we’ve compiled a list of easy Mentor Action Steps you can take throughout your busy day to guide her on her way to certain success. Here goes:
  • Before all else, help your child develop a positive mindset. Show her how to support herself from the inside out. For example, if your daughter complains that she is “dumb at math,” help her reframe her thoughts so that she thinks, “ Math is tricky, but other kids learn it and so can I!” If she’s feeling defeated after failing a test, help her brainstorm some ways she can do better next time. (Tip: Share this saying: “If you think you can, you can; if you think you can’t, think again!”) 
  • Chat with your child about her thoughts on careers. Ask questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. For example, ask, “If you could turn any interest you love into a job, what would it be?” or, “What’s the most interesting career you can imagine?”
  • Share your thoughts about careers. Tell your daughter the story of how you chose your career. Talk about the pros and cons of your career. Share career goals you’ve met and those you still want to reach.
  • Elevate others while your child listens in. Sing the praises of those family members, friends and colleagues who work at careers they love and are especially suited for. You will be modeling the lesson that it’s great to be happy for the success of others.
  • Talk with your child about her talents and strengths. Ask questions such as, “What do you think you do best?” or, “What’s the one thing you would love to be famous for?” If your child can’t come up with any career interests or positive words about herself, model how to do it by making some observations of your own. For example, you might say something like, “I noticed you really like to work with numbers,” or, “Your teacher said she always enjoys reading your descriptive essays.” Then point out that there are many careers that use number skills or writing abilities.
  • Share stories about your own talents and strengths. In doing this, you’ll be modeling for your daughter that it’s OK to be proud of who she is and of her career accomplishments.
  • Explore the Career Girls website together. Go to the magenta “Explore Careers” tab and click on the dropdown menu titled, “I want to be…” Invite your daughter to choose some Career Girl videos to watch with you. Notice the careers and topics she picks so that later on you can talk with her about them to see if she wants to learn more. (Tip: Remember, your daughter may be familiar with some of these careers; others may be brand-new to her— and to you! But these careers ALL have something in common: by presenting her with real life career role models, they widen the doorway of career possibilities for her.)
  • Watch the Career Girls Empowerment Videos together. These videos form the foundation of the Career Girls video library. They cover many topics including, career exploration, STEM careers, the importance of integrity, how to be confident and the importance of mentors.
Ready-to-Use Scripts
Downloadable Presentation Scripts

Choose from these ready-to-use scripts to make your Career Girls presentions easy!

Motivational Mini-Posters
Free Download and Print

Choose from several inspirational quotes adapted from the Career Girls Instagram feed.

Curriculum Extras
Definitions for Common College Terms

Download this for a printer friendly version of college terms for your students to become familiar with.


Everyday Mentoring Tips for Parents

Download this for an easy to share one page version of everyday mentoring tips for parents.


Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work/Career Girls Facilitator's Guide

Everything you need to plan for  Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day with Career Girls on April 27th, 2017.

GALA Girls Academic Leadership Academy Parents Guide

This easy to use parent's guide supplements in-school teaching of the Career Girls Empowerment Lessons