Lessons and Texts Related to Chapter 4 of the Practical Guide to Education

Related Lessons
Related Texts
Berk, Elaine G.; Principal (Reston, Va.) "Hands-On Science: Using Manipulatives in the Classroom," 78 no4, p52+ Mr '99.
Buchanan, Anne "Integrating Critical Thinking Skills Into the Classroom" Access Excellence, Classrooms of the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Series, www.accessexcellence.com/21st/TL/

Downing, Chuck, Ph.D. "Tune up Your Teaching" Access Excellence, Classrooms of the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Series, www.accessexcellence.com/21st/TL/

Elliot, Ian, "Do-It-Yourself Science," Teaching PreK-8 28, p34-8 Ja '98.

Filson, Richard "In Search Of . . . . Real Science" Access Excellence, Classrooms of the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Series, www. accessexcellence.com/21st/TL/
Glascott, Kathleen and Sandra J. Stone. "The Affective Side of Science Instruction," Childhood Education v74, p102-4 Winter '97-'98.
Jegede, Olugbemiro; Solomon, Joan "Science Education And The Familiar World Of The Child" Open Learning, Hong Kong Open University; Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford
Lord, Thomas R. "How To Build a Better Mousetrap: Changing the Way Science Is Taught through Constructivism," Contemporary Education 69 no3, p134-6 Spr '98.


McGraw, Carole. "Teaching Science Cooperatively in Middle/High School," The Education Digest 64 no9, p29-33 My '99.

O'Connor, Joseph P "Teachers Are The Problem In SMT, Not Girls" Female Education in Mathematics and Science in Africa (FEMSA), November 2000

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), "A Teacher's Guide to Student Discovery through Inquiry Professional Development" Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1999, p. 1-32