Lessons and Texts Related to Chapter 6 of the Practical Guide to Education

Related Lessons
Related Texts

Downing, Chuck, Ph.D. "Tune up Your Teaching" Access Excellence, Classrooms of the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Series, www.accessexcellence.com/21st/TL/

Filson, Richard "In Search Of . . . . Real Science" Access Excellence, Classrooms of the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Series, www. accessexcellence.com/21st/TL/

Glascott, Kathleen and Sandra J. Stone. "The Affective Side of Science Instruction," Childhood Education v74, p102-4 Winter'97-'98.
Jegede, Olugbemiro; Solomon, Joan "Science Education And The Familiar World Of The Child" Open Learning, Hong Kong Open University; Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford
Lord, Thomas R. "How To Build a Better Mousetrap: Changing the Way Science Is Taught through Constructivism," Contemporary Education 69 no3, p134-6 Spr '98.
McGraw, Carole. "Teaching Science Cooperatively in Middle/High School," The Education Digest 64 no9, p29-33 My '99.


Murray, Steve "Action Programme: A Catalyst To Curriculum Change", ACTION Programme; Harare, Zimbabwe
Rennie, Leonie J.and David F. Treagust. "Implementing Technology in the School Curriculum: A Case Study Involving Six Secondary Schools," Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 5, N0. 1, Fall 1993