Fraction Worksheets

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This page contains free fraction worksheets. The solution and answers are provided at the end of each worksheet to help you to learn better. 

Equivalent Fractions Worksheet

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The lesson on equivalent fractions explained the basics needed to complete this worksheet. Here's a short summary on what you should know:
  1. Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value.
  2. We can make use the ideas behind 'Equivalent Fractions' to change the denominator of a fraction. This is useful when we need to add or subtract fractions that have unlike denominators.
  3. We can get an equivalent fraction by multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator of the fraction with the same number.
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The following worksheets are available:
  1. Worksheet 1 - Using multiplication to find equivalent fractions
  2. Worksheet 2 - Using division to find equivalent fractions

Adding Fractions Worksheet

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The lesson on adding fractions covered the basics in detail. Here's a short summary on what you should know:
  1. We can only add fractions that have like denominators
  2. If the fractions have unlike denominators,  we can make use of 'Equivalent Fractions' to make them the same
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The following worksheets are available:
  1. Worksheet 1 - Adding fractions with like denominators
  2. Worksheet 2 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators

Subtracting Fractions Worksheet

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The lesson on subtracting fractions explained the basic ideas behind subtracting fractions. Here's a short summary on what you should know:
  1. To subtract fractions, the fractions must have like denominators
  2. If the fractions have unlike denominators, use 'Equivalent Fractions' to make them the same
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The following worksheets are available:
  1. Worksheet 1 - Subtracting fractions with like denominators
  2. Worksheet 2 - Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators

Multiplying Fractions Worksheet

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The Multiplying fraction lesson explained on how to multiply fractions in detail. Here's a short summary on what you should know:
  1. When multiplying, the denominators do not have to be the same
  2. To multiply fractions, first multiply the numerators. Then, multiply the denominators
  3. Before multiplying, we can simplify the fractions first if there is one or more common factor. This will make the multiplication easier
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The following worksheets are available:
  1. Worksheet 1 - Basic questions on multiplying fractions
  2. Worksheet 2 - Using common factor to simplify the fractions before multiplying

Dividing Fractions Worksheet

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The lesson on dividing fractions explained the basic required to divide fractions. Here's a short summary on what you should know:
  1. To get the reciprocal of a fraction, we just need to swap the numerator and denominator of that fraction.
  2. To divide fractions, first we change the multiplication sign to division sign. Then, we also change the divisor into its reciprocal and proceed from there.
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The following fraction worksheets on division are available:
  1. Worksheet 1 - Basic questions on dividing fractions
  2. Worksheet 2 - Questions on dividing mixed fractions