Graphing Linear Equations Practice Question

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5 coordinate points question picture
Question 2
The picture shows five points V, U, T, S and P. Which are the 2 points when connected together with a line, will satisfy the linear equation of y = x + 1? 


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A. S and V
B. V and T
C. P and S 
D. P and U
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Step by Step Solutions

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Step 1
One way to solve question is to draw the graph of y = x + 1 on a piece of graph paper.

To draw the line, we need at least two points. So, let's draw a table to store the  coordinates of two points.
Empty table
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Step 2
Now, fill in the x-coordinates. We can pick any numbers. To make things easier, let's pick 0 and 1.

These x-coordinates will be used to calculate the y-coordinates later. 
Table filled with x-coordinates
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Step 3
Now calculate the x-coordinate of the first point by substituting x = 0 into y = x + 1:
      y  = 0 + 1
          = 1

For x=1, substituting x = 1 into y = x + 1:
        y = 1 + 1
           = 2

Fill in the table with these newly calculated y-coordinates.
Table filled with x and y coordinates
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Step 4
Now plot these points onto the plane and connect them with a line as shown in the picture.

The line, y = x + 1 passes through points P and U
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Step 5
From Step 4, the line passes through the points P and U. Therefore, the answer for this question is D.

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