Lesson 6e

6.3 Repeat each sentence at the time I tell you. I will say, “Yesterday I needed groceries. Today _________.” You will answer, “Today I need groceries.” Use the same person (I, he, she, we, you or they) in the sentence.

Yesterday I needed groceries. Today _________.
(Today I need groceries.) Today I need groceries. (Today I need groceries.)
Today he needs groceries. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow he will need groceries.) Tomorrow he will need groceries. (Tomorrow he will need groceries.)
Tomorrow we will need groceries. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday we needed groceries.) Yesterday we needed groceries. (Yesterday we needed groceries.)

Yesterday they appealed to the men. Today _________.
(Today they appeal to the men.) Today they appeal to the men. (Today they appeal to the men.)
Today we appeal to the men. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow we will appeal to the men.) Tomorrow we will appeal to the men. (Tomorrow we will appeal to the men.)
Tomorrow you will appeal to the men. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday you appealed to the men.) Yesterday you appealed to the men. (Yesterday you appealed to the men.)
Yesterday you added your brother to the group. Today _________.
(Today you add your brother to the group.) Today you add your brother to the group. (Today you add your brother to the group.)
Today he adds your brother to the group. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow he will add your brother to the group.) Tomorrow he will add your brother to the group. (Tomorrow he will add your brother to the group.)
Tomorrow we will add your brother to the group. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday we added your brother to the group.) Yesterday we added your brother to the group. (Yesterday we added your brother to the group.)
Yesterday they took part in the work. Today _________.
(Today they take part in the work.) Today they take part in the work. (Today they take part in the work.)
Today they take part in the work. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow they will take part in the work.) Tomorrow they will take part in the work. (Tomorrow they will take part in the work.)
Tomorrow they will take part in the work. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday they took part in the work.) Yesterday they took part in the work. (Yesterday they took part in the work.)
Yesterday we decided to help. Today _________.
(Today we decide to help.) Today we decide to help. (Today we decide to help.)
Today we decide to help. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow we will decide to help.) Tomorrow we will decide to help. (Tomorrow we will decide to help.)
Tomorrow we will decide to help. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday we decided to help.) Yesterday we decided to help. (Yesterday we decided to help.)