Lesson 6f

6.3 Repeat each sentence at the time I tell you

Yesterday I listened to my father. Today _________.
(Today I listen to my father.) Today I listen to my father. (Today I listen to my father.)
Today we listen to our father. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow we will listen to our father.) Tomorrow we will listen to our father. (Tomorrow we will listen to our father.)
Tomorrow she will listen to her father. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday she listened to her father.) Yesterday she listened to her father. (Yesterday she listened to her father.)

Yesterday I handed over the money. Today _________.
(Today I hand over the money.) Today I hand over the money. (Today I hand over the money.)
Today they hand over the money. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow they will hand over the money.) Tomorrow they will hand over the money. (Tomorrow they will hand over the money.)
Tomorrow you will hand over the money. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday you handed over the money.) Yesterday you handed over the money. (Yesterday you handed over the money.)
Yesterday you punished him. Today _________.
(Today you punish him.) Today you punish him. (Today you punish him.)
Today we punish him. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow we will punish him.) Tomorrow we will punish him. (Tomorrow we will punish him.)
Tomorrow I will punish him. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday I punished him.) Yesterday I punished him. (Yesterday I punished him.)
Yesterday he was chosen. Today _________.
(Today he is chosen.) Today he is chosen. (Today he is chosen.)
Today you are chosen. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow you will be chosen.) Tomorrow you will be chosen. (Tomorrow you will be chosen.)
Tomorrow I will be chosen. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday I was chosen.) Yesterday I was chosen. (Yesterday I was chosen.)
Yesterday he decided the prisoner’s punishment. Today _________.
(Today he decides the prisoner’s punishment.) Today he decides the prisoner’s punishment. (Today he decides the prisoner’s punishment.)
Today we decide the prisoner’s punishment. Tomorrow _________.
(Tomorrow we will decide the prisoner’s punishment.) Tomorrow we will decide the prisoner’s punishment. (Tomorrow we will decide the prisoner’s punishment.)
Tomorrow you will decide the prisoner’s punishment. Yesterday _________.
(Yesterday you decided the prisoner’s punishment.) Yesterday you decided the prisoner’s punishment. (Yesterday you decided the prisoner’s punishment.)

6.4 Repeat each number.

0 [zero] (0)
1 [one] (1)
2 [two] (2)
3 [three] (3)
4 [four] (4)
5 [five] (5)
6 [six] (6)
7 [seven] (7)
8 [eight] (8)
9 [nine] (9)
10 [ten] (10)
11 [eleven] (11)
12 [twelve] (12)
13 [thirteen] (13)
14 [fourteen] (14)
15 [fifteen] (15)
16 [sixteen] (16)
17 [seventeen] (17)
18 [eighteen] (18)
19 nineteen] (19)
20 [twenty] (20)
30 [thirty] (30)
40 [forty] (40)
50 [fifty] (50)
60 [sixty] (60)
70 [seventy] (70)
80 [eighty] (80)
90 [ninety] (90)
100 [one hundred] (100)
1,000 [one thousand] (1,000)