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Physics Education Technology - University of Colorado, Boulder
PhET Blog

Archive for August, 2011

Getting Ready for School…Chemistry News!

Chemistry Activities

Chemistry Teachers – Getting ready for the new year?

There are many new PhET chemistry sims this year. See how Trish Loeblein, PhET K-12 Specialist and Evergreen High School physics & chemistry teacher, uses PhET sims as demos, in-class labs, homeworks, and concept questions in this activity.

(The activities are appropriate for many levels and can easily be adapted for your particular needs.)


Aug 26


Come See Us at ACS 2011

We’re going to be at the American Chemical Society National Exposition in Denver, CO August 29-31st. Come by our Booth #2038.


Aug 25


Getting Ready for School…

Physics Semester One Lessons

Physics Teachers – Getting ready for the new year?

See how Trish Loeblein, PhET K-12 Specialist and Evergreen High School physics & chemistry teacher, uses sims during these first semester activities on kinematics. The lessons include how to use PhET for demos, in-class labs, homeworks, and concept questions.

(The activities are appropriate for many levels and can easily be adapted for your particular needs.)


Aug 12


New PhET Videos at iTunesU

Check out our PhET podcasts at Learn more about PhET’s Energy Skate Park sim and the Masses & Springs sim.
Are there ideas that you’d like to see in podcasts? Let us know.


Aug 9


Announcing the New PhET “Basics” Series for Middle School

As part of our effort to develop sims specifically for our middle-school audience, we are adapting many of our existing sims by refining the content and controls to better align with the middle-school learning goals. We’ll release the sims (and announce them here) as we complete each one. The first that will be released in the coming months will be States of Matter: Basics. Let us know which other ones you’d like to see.


Aug 1