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All of our role models attended college. Becoming college ready requires active planning throughout your all of your schooling. Here are some action steps that you can take now to create the future of your dreams.

  • Become familiar with academic standards to make sure you're college ready. It is essential that you know what is expected of college bound, career oriented students.
  • Set up an appointment with your school counselor and set up a specific plan to meet your educational career path goals.
  • Participate in extra curricular activities at school and over the summer. These activities can help develop skills that will help you toward your career goals.
  • Also, be sure to check out some of the great resources listed below:

College Terms to Know

Academic Advisor
An academic advisor is a student's main point of contact for academic issues. An academic advisor can help a student decide which courses to take and learn how to register for classes. An academic advisor can also help a student move toward getting a degree.
Academic Standards
Academic standards are learning goals. Academic standards spell out what students should know when beginning a class or grade level and what are expected to learn upon completion of that class or grade level.   
The ACT stands for The American College Test. This test helps tell if a high school student is ready to begin college classes. 
The SAT originally stood for Scholastic Aptitude Test. The name was later changed to the Scholastic Assessment Test, then the SAT I: Reasoning Test, then the SAT Reasoning Test. Today, it is simply called the SAT. It is meant to help tell how well a high school student will perform in college.   
An alumnus is what we call someone who is a graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university.  (Plural: alumni.)
Associate’s Degree
An associate’s degree is a two-year college degree. An associate’s degree represents a higher level of education than a high school diploma or GED, but not as high as a four-year college degree.   
Bachelor’s Degree
A college or university awards a bachelor’s degree to a student who has completed undergraduate studies. Usually, a bachelor’s degree represents four years of full-time study in a particular college program. 
A bursar is a professional financial administrator in a college or university. The Office of the Bursar handles the billing of student tuition accounts and sets up payment plans. Bursars do not usually help students get financial aid.     
College Readiness
College Readiness means a high school graduate is prepared and ready to begin attending college.  
Career Readiness
Career Readiness means a college graduate has the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to begin a career complete with lifelong goals and objectives.
A collaboration is when two or more people work together to produce or create something.
College Major
A college major is a group of courses required by a college so that a student can receive a degree in a particular area, such as English or nursing. All students aiming to get a particular degree are required to take certain courses. Each student may also choose to take some additional courses outside of his or her college major.  These additional courses are called elective courses.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is a set of academic standards for students in Kindergarten through 12th Grade. The CCSS were developed for two areas of study: mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). These standards were intended to outline learning goals telling what a student should learn in these two areas of study by the end of each grade level.  
This is when information is exchanged between people.  Speaking, listening, print, signs and symbols are all methods of communication
This term refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. It includes the standards being followed, the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, the units and lessons being taught, the assignments and projects students are expected to complete. The curriculum also includes the teaching resources being used, such as books, videos, etc.  
An academic department is a division of a college or university that focuses on a particular academic area, such as engineering, science, mathematics, art or music. 
Diversity refers to a group of people representing differences such as skin color, national origin, income level, ages, and sexual orientation. 
A doctorate is an advanced college degree that earns the student the title, or rank of a doctor. 
To be empowered is to feel strong and free to decide and act in ways that support self and others. To empower someone is to help them feel empowered
Classes or school activities that are not required for graduation or to earn a degree are extra-curricular. These activities may include athletics or volunteer service. 
FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid
The FAFSA is an online application for college financial aid available from the US Federal Government.  
Financial Aid
This refers to any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help a student meet his/her college expenses. Financial aid is usually available from a variety of sources, including federal and state agencies, colleges, high schools, financial institutions, foundations, and corporations.
An entrepreneur is someone one who organizes and manages an effort—usually a business effort—and assumes all the risk for its failure or success.  
A major is an academic subject or field of study a student chooses pursue. A major represents the student’s main interest. Most of the student’s school efforts are focused on completing classes within this major course of study.  
A minor is an academic subject or field of study a student chooses to pursue. A student’s minor is secondary to his or her major. The usual requirement for a minor is a total of three years of study in that minor area. Often, a student’s chosen minor supports, or is somehow related to, the student’s major. 
Master’s Degree
A master’s degree is an academic degree a student earns after receiving a bachelor's degree. Usually, a master’s degree requires one or two additional years of study beyond the bachelor's degree. 
To matriculate means to be admitted into a group, especially a college or university.
Media is a form of communication that reaches large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, and radio.
A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser who can guide a student’s education and/or career path.
Enrolled means a student has reserved his or her college classes. When a student is enrolled in a class, his or her name has been added to the list of students expected to attend that class. 
Registered means a student has paid at least the minimum amount due on his or her college registration bill and that the student has confirmed attendance.
A registrar is someone responsible for keeping and maintaining student records at a college or university.  
Role Model
A role model is a person whose behavior and life choices have led to personal and/or professional success. A student can look up to a role model; a student can follow and copy a role model’s beliefs and actions.   
STEM Careers
STEM careers are careers related to four areas of study: science, technology, engineering and math. 
A syllabus is an outline of the main points of an academic subject. It can also represent the contents of a class or curriculum. 
Teamwork is a cooperative or coordinated effort by a group of people acting together in the interest of a common goal or cause.
A transcript is an official school report that shows the record of an individual student. A transcript lists the student’s subjects, classes completed, grades received, etc. 
Tuition is the cost charged to attend a private or parochial school or a college or university.
A tutor is a teacher who offers students extra help in understanding coursework so the students can to do well in a class. Tutors usually work with students outside of class time. A tutor usually instructs one student, or very small groups of students, at a time.   
An undergraduate is a student in a university or college who is working toward receiving an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.


General Interest Resources

Be An Actuary is a comprehensive site with loads of information of what an actuary does and how to prepare for a career as an actuary. The Joint CAS/SOA Committee on Actuarial Diversity sponsors university-run summer programs for diversity high school students at Illinois State University, Howard University and Temple University.

Big Future is the College Board's resource to provide online information that helps connects students to college success and opportunity.

Black Girls Rock! is a 501 (c)3 non-profit youth empowerment and mentoring organization established to promote the arts for young women of color, as well as to encourage dialogue and analysis of the ways women of color are portrayed in the media.

Camp Reel Stories is a non-profit organization that empowers young women with the skills to create their own media, to view current media critically and thoughtfully, and to aspire to leadership in their field.

Career and Education Planner is a guide to explore your interest in a variety of careers and find related books to help you research them. From San Francisco Public Library Teen Services.

College Answer walks students and parents through the entire "going to college" process.

College Board is your inside source for college planning tools and advice.

College Grants is a future student's guide to grants and loans.

College Summit helps inner city student showcase their talents to achieve the goal of attending college. They believe students can accomplish anything they set their mind to, and look forward to staying connected with them long after high school as they pursue their dreams.

FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is a must for qualifying for Federal grants and loans for college. provides excellent information and resources for students who are trying to be the first in their families to go to college.

For Girls is brought to you by Girl Scouts, and has everything for girls and teens from videos about storytellers and entrepreneurs to games, such as "Design Your Own Eco Dream House" and "Be the Director," to blog posts where girls from all over the world share their cool adventures.

GlobalGirl Media is dedicated to empowering high school age girls from under-served communities around the world through media, leadership and journalistic training to have a voice in the global media universe and their own futures.

Girls Inc. is a nonprofit organization that focuses on giving confidence to girls.

Inroads, Inc. works with business and industry to develop and prepare outstanding students of color for professional careers. Its Pre-College Component (PCC) is one of the premier programs designed to get high school students ready for college, as well as for corporate and community leadership. PCC offers supplemental instruction in math, English, science and college-entry test preparation.

Kids Who Care Theater is an international theater and performing arts organization that was created to encourage kids 3-18 to develop their talents through music, theater and dance. Children are taught by professionals and encouraged to take part in theater summer camps and other art events.

KnowHow2GO A site dedicated to helping students from middle school to high school learn how to make their dreams of going to college come true.

Leadership Education Development (LEAD) Program in Business Inc, identifies talented African-American, Native American and Latino high school juniors and positions them with training and mentoring to pursue successful business careers. Over 6000 have gone through LEAD’s intensive three to four week Summer Business Institutes, hosted by 11 top ranking graduate business schools.

Mapping Your Future is a free and neutral resource on career, college, financial aid, and money management.

MentorNet is an E-Mentoring Network for Diversity in Engineering and Science. Part of their mission is to further the progress of women and others underrepresented in scientific and technical fields through the use of a dynamic, technology-supported mentoring network.

Million Women Mentors supports the engagement of one million Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) mentors (male and female) to increase the interest and confidence of girls and women to persist and succeed in STEM programs and careers.

Miss CEO empowers women of all ages with practical training to help them overcome obstacles that come with being a woman who aspires to make it to the top. 

My College Options is a free college planning service which links high school students with colleges and universities.

The Princeton Review is a site to learn about colleges and careers and majors and more. It also has a quick survey that explores your preference of career situations, then generates a list of careers matching those interests. Sign up is required, but free.

Reel Grrls is an award-winning non-profit media arts and leadership training program for girls ages 9 - 19. Reel Grrls envisions a world in which women and girls have leadership roles in creating media and are represented behind and in front of the camera.

Rock the Vote is a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1990 by members of the recording industry to protect freedom of speech and artistic expression.

StudentLoanNetwork has information for students and parents on options to finance college.

US Colleges and Universities is a free resource for students and parents researching higher education options. You can search for Colleges and Universities by subject, by program, by degree type etc. or find local Colleges by City/State.

Websites for Girls is a list of women and girl related websites compiled by Joan Korenman, professor emerita and founder of The Center for Women and Information Technology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

World Wide Women is a global online resource center for women and girls. Discover organizations, programs and services designed to make your life a little better. 

Youth Venture runs nationwide programs that provide tools and support to youngsters to learn how to create, lead and launch organizations, clubs or organizations that make a difference in the community. Youths from 12 – 20 have launched ventures such as tutoring services, bike stores, dance academies, video festivals and youth diabetes support groups.

Girls and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Resources

Aspire 2 Inspire presents films of NASA women working on cool projects in the STEM fields.

Binary Girl is “where girls and technology click.”

Black Girls Code introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages such as Scratch or Ruby on Rails. BlackGirlsCode has set out to prove to the world that girls of every color have the skills to become the programmers of tomorrow.

canTEEN is a program developed by the Girls, Math & Science Partnership. Its mission is to engage, educate, and embrace girls as architects of change. Working with girls age 11 - 17 and their parents, teachers, and mentors, they draw organizations, stakeholders, and communities together in an effort to ensure that girls succeed in math and science.

Computer Science Online - Computer science professionals design, construct, and code some of today's most cutting-edge tech, from microprocessors and CPUs to next-gen cell phones and mobile apps. Start here for expert advice, career data, degree info and hundreds of resources to help current and future tech talent build a better tomorrow.

DragonflyTV is an award-winning multi-media science education program combining television, community outreach, the Web, and fun. Produced by KTCA, creator of the long-running family science series Newton's Apple, DragonflyTV engages tens of millions of children, parents and teachers in accessible, hands-on science activities. DragonflyTV is designed to appeal to children from diverse ethnic, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds.

Engineer Girl highlights opportunities for middle school girls in engineering careers. Includes links, profiles of women engineers, and interactive features.

Engineer Your Life is a guide to engineering for high school girls. Introduces high school girls to young women who illustrate what life and work are like for engineers.

Expanding Your Horizons in Science and Mathematics™ conferences nurture girls' interest in science and math courses to encourage them to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

FabFems is a website directory of women in STEM fields sharing their personal stories and career pathways.

Girls' Angle is math club for girls, whose mission is to foster and nurture girls' interests in mathematics and empower them to be able to tackle any field no matter the level of mathematical sophistication.

GirlForce is an online community that empowers women in the non-profit Salesforce community to be fearless leaders in technology. 

Girlstart is a non-profit organization founded in Austin, Texas in 1997 to empower girls in math, science, engineering and technology. Girl Start provides hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts to a diverse group of girls and their parents. Girl Start has served over 10,000 girls and families with after-school clubs, free Saturday camps, science nights, family math nights, summer camps and more.

IGNITE Mission: To Inspire Girls to Consider High-Tech as a Positive Career Choice. IGNITE has been steadily building a success story in Seattle, exposing teenage girls to the high-tech industry.

Museum of Mathematics strives to enchance public understanding and perception of mathematics. The museum's activities lead a broad and diverse audeince to understand the evolving, creative, human, and aesthetic nature of mathematics. 

National Center for Women and Information Technology is a non-profit organization working to correct the imbalance of gender diversity in technology and computing. 

National Girls Collaborative Project is a directory listing organizations and programs that motivate girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Nerd Girls is a growing, global movement which celebrates smart-girl individuality. They encourage girls to change their world through Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, while embracing their feminine power..

NexGeneGirls promotes women in science by giving young girls from underrepresented communities the opportunity to become the next generation of future STEM leaders.  Girls are immersed in the scientific process through fun, hands-on science activities, experiments, and workshops that convey scientific principles while building self-confidence and developing the skills to meet the technological challenges of tomorrow.

Sally Ride Science A website created by astronaut Sally Ride which lists many resources for kids and science.

Science Club for Girls aims to increase the self-confidence and science literacy of K–12th grade girls belonging to groups that are underrepresented in the sciences, through free, after school programs that provide experiential learning, mentorship, and leadership opportunities. Girls work with mentor-scientists who model and foster leadership, affirms college as an expectation, and promote careers in science and technology as goals and options.

Scientific Adventures for Girls provides after school and summer STEM programs to young children with a special focus on girls and disadvantaged youth.

Scientista aims to build the largest network of campus women in science. The Scientista Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to bridging the gaps between established professionals and female students interested in pursuing careers in the sciences.

SEM Link is a non-profit that promotes student achievement and career exploration in math and science while increasing student exposure to STEM communities. 

SEPAL is a San Francisco State University program targeting girls of color with a resource center which houses hands-on, minds-on science education materials that are available for checkout. These include books, videos, equipment, models, specimens, charts and posters, slides, and activity kits.

Sloan Career Cornerstone Center offers vast resources on over 190 degree fields. Within each area you'll find a profile of the field, and links to profiles of professionals working in each area. There are downloadable lists of employers and degree granting universities, salary data, links to professional associations, and descriptions of different types of academic degrees.

Techbridge is an after-school and summer program designed to encourage girls in technology, science, and engineering. The program was started in Oakland, CA and has expanded to other communities, including other school districts and the California School for the Blind in Fremont, CA.

The White House Council on Women and Girls - The Next Generation Girls in STEM video features young women and scientists who wowed the president and the nation at the White House Science Fair 2012.

National Associations and Organizations

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) "Triple A-S" (AAAS), is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional association. In addition to organizing membership activities, AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as many scientific newsletters, books and reports, and spearheads programs that raise the bar of understanding for science worldwide.

American Association of University Women promotes equity and education for all women and girls through their Opening Opportunities for Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program.

American Chemical Society (ACS) publishes numerous scientific journals and databases, convenes major research conferences and provides educational, science policy and career programs in chemistry. ACS also gives more than $22 million every year in grants for basic research in petroleum and related field. The ACS Scholars Program provides underrepresented minority undergraduates with scholarship and mentoring support that they need to earn degrees in the chemical sciences.

American Field Service is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. High school students get the chance to live and study in a foreign country for a semester or summer through AFS.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Since 1977, AISES has worked to substantially increase American Indian/Alaska Native representation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields - as students, professionals, mentors, and leaders. AISES employs a "full circle of support" model that begins with pre-college programs, progresses into collegiate life, and then into the professional years of members into retirement.

American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is the organization that focuses on the impact that biology has on all of our lives, supports programs that strengthen biology education, promotes policy decisions based on sound science, and participates in activities that promote public appreciation of science. ABIS strongly encourages student membership applications from individuals at the high school, community college, and college/university level.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is the world's leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with over 40,000 members from over 90 countries. Each year, students are awarded scholarships based on outstanding academic achievement and their involvement in AIChE programs and activities. Scholarships sponsored by AIChE chapters as well as Fortune 500 companies.

American Mathematical Society (AMS) was founded to further the interests of mathematics research and scholarship, and serve the national and international community through its meetings, publications, advocacy, and other programs which: promote mathematical research, its communication, and its uses; encourage and promote the transmission of mathematical understanding and skills; support mathematics education at all levels; advance the status of the profession of mathematics; encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals; and foster an awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life. The AMS runs several programs specifically for high school students, such as the Arnold Ross Lectures and the popular Who Wants to Be a Mathematician game. Be sure to check the High School Students and Their Teachers page for Advanced Summer Research Programs, mathematical clubs, events and contests, career information, and AMS Posters.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Founded in 1852, ASCE represents more than 144,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America's oldest national engineering society. ASCE's Pre- College Outreach programs provide engaging, hands on introductions to civil engineering for age groups ranging from preschool to high school, and its dedicated volunteers work to educate young people about civil engineers and their impact on the world. ASCE's Outreach activities include: Curious George, Design Squad, Building Big, the West Point Bridge Design Contest, ZOOM into Engineering and ASCEville ( Learn more about ASCE's Pre-College materials and resources at Outreach Has Its Rewards.

American Statistical Association is the world’s largest community of statisticians. The ASA supports excellence in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical science through meetings, publications, membership services, education, accreditation, and advocacy. ASA members serve in industry, government, and academia in more than 90 countries, advancing research and promoting sound statistical practice to inform public policy and improve human welfare. ASA has several programs for students K – 12 and undergraduates including scholarships and contests.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges. Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world. ASME has many resources to support students interested in engineering such as summer camp for pre-college students and contests.

Association for Women in Computing provides girls with an opportunity to learn about women who have careers in computers and information technology through this organization that explores the options available in computer science.

The Association of Women in Science (AWIS) Educational Foundation awards three types of fellowships: namely pre-doctoral (for advanced graduate students), Lorentzen (for college sophomores and juniors studying physics or geoscience), and college (for high school seniors). Awards are $1,000.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE and the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) are committed to providing quality educational resources for educators, parents, students, IEEE volunteers, and the public.

International Association of Black Actuaries is a professional and student member organization whose mission is to contribute to an increase in the number of black actuaries and to influence the successful career development, civic growth and achievement of black actuaries. Includes a mentoring program.

Junior Achievement, Inc. targets students in grades K- 12 to help them better understand free enterprise, business and economics in order to plan their careers and improve the quality of their lives.

MAES - Latinos in Science and Engineering is the foremost Latino organization for the development of STEM leaders in the academic, executive, and technical communities.

Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level. MAA members include university, college, and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; and many others in academia, government, business, and industry. We welcome all who are interested in the mathematical sciences.

The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) is a professional organization that encompasses the entire range of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the advanced applications of materials. TMS student members are encouraged to take an active role in society activities, and receive access to all of the TMS member benefits at greatly reduced fees. Plus TMS has numerous opportunities for students to network with peers and professionals in their field of interest, scholarships and award opportunities, student chapters, and more.

National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) primary purpose is to initiate and support local, regional, national, and global programs that assist people of color in fully realizing their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields. The Organization promotes careers in science and technology as an achievable goal for elementary, middle, and high school students. In addition, NOBCChE encourages college students to pursue graduate degrees in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

The National Society of Black Engineers offers a variety of programs aimed at increasing the number of minority students in the field of engineering, including the National Pre College Science Fair and the Rocketry program. This program was initiated in an effort show pre-college student how science, engineering and math are interrelated, the Rocketry program introduces them the basic concept of model rocketry and teaches them to build their own.

National Society of Black Physicists promotes the professional well-being of African American physicists and physics students within the international scientific community and within society at large. The Pre-College Program Committee of the National Society of Black Physicists was created to foster the education, knowledge and provide opportunities in physics education to pre-college students, in particular the African-American community.

National Urban League Incentives TO EXCEL AND SUCCEED (NULITES) has chapters which are sponsored by local Urban League Affiliates and are designed to draw young people ages 14 -19 into community service projects and educational seminars.

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American scientists—from college students to professionals—in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership.

Society of Women Engineers is a non-profit educational and service organization that encourages young women to consider an engineering education. It holds all-girl youth conferences and offers more than $200,000 in annual scholarships.

Take Our Daughter and Sons to Work  foundation is dedicated to developing innovative strategies and research-based activities in informal educational programs that empower girls and boys in all sectors of society to confront and overcome societal messages about youth so that they may reach their full potential and live fulfilling lives.

White House Council on Women and Girls is a fantastic government resource to ensure the needs of women and girls are taken into account in drafting policy and legislation.

Young Women In Bio (YWIB) is part of the Women in Bio (WIB) organization, a professional organization committed to promoting career development, leadership and entrepreneurship among women in the life sciences. YWIB is a special initiative of WIB, designed to introduce school-age girls to careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

School, College and University Programs

Miss Porter’s School’s Summer Challenge is an academic program which offers girls from around the United States and the world the opportunity to explore forensic science, to develop their interest and skills in math, science and technology and to try out boarding school life at Miss Porter’s School in the historic town of Farmington, Conn.

Women in Engineering Program at Pennsylvania State University sponsors a week long camp to expose high school girls to the field of engineering. The Venture in Engineering Camp hosts activities that emphasize computer and math skills, engineering, robotics and space exploration.

Smith College Summer Science and Engineering Program For High School Girls is a four-week residential program for exceptional young women with strong interests in science, engineering and medicine. Each July, select high school students from across the country and abroad come to Smith College to do hands-on research with Smith faculty in the life and physical sciences and in engineering.

Educator Resources

TES Resources and ShareMyLesson strive to pool the vast knowledge, experience and creativity of teachers by giving them the ability to review and share the best resources to improve lessons, saving teachers valuable prep time and maximising learning for all. TES Teaching resources offers over 741,571 free teaching resources and ShareMyLesson has over 297,041 free teaching resources for use in your classroom and school today.