Empowerment Lessons

For Students

As you think about your future and a career, you might wonder: Where do I begin?
Good news! You can start right here. Career Girls lets you explore hundreds of careers to find out what different jobs are like and how you can get ready for them. You can explore careers that match your interests. You can also discover careers you never even knew existed. Who knows? One of them just might be your dream job! 
Ready? A good place to begin is with the Career Girls Empowerment videos. These videos can help you get a head start on preparing for a career while you’re still in middle school or high school. Here are 4 easy steps to get started!
Step 1: Choose a video.
There are 13 Career Girls Empowerment videos. Each video is about two minutes and focuses on a different topic. Check out the video descriptions here and choose one that interests you. You can watch the videos in any order.
Video Topics:
Discover different careers and what people like best about them, including being paid to do something you love!
Have you been hearing a lot about careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)? Find out why!
What you can do with a career in science? As you’ll learn in this video, there are no limitations!
Do you like puzzles and problem solving? Find out why a career in technology might be for you!
Engineering is anything but boring! Get the story from engineers who work with cars, computers, space craft, the environment, and more.
How can the math you're learning now help you succeed in a future career? This video’s got the answer.
This one’s all about money: how to make it, spend it, and save it. You will thank these role models later!
Get great tips for developing leadership skills that will help you bring out the best in everyone around you.
What does integrity have to do with doing the right thing? Role models in this video help you answer this question.
You are not alone in facing obstacles. These role models share how to approach obstacles and offer constructive ways on how you can analyze and overcome them!
This video teaches the importance of believing in yourself: if you work hard, you can do amazing things!
Role models share what true friendships are—where to look for them and how to recognize them.
How can being multilingual help you prepare for a great career? Learn the value of diverse languages and other differences we all have.
Role models in this video have mentors, and they want to help you understand the importance of having mentors in your life, too!
Watch this video to learn why teamwork is so important in the workplace and how you can improve your own teamwork skills to prepare for future careers.
Words are not the only way to tell a story. Watch a curator, photographer, and film director share how they enjoy using images to tell a story and how you can do it, too!
If being on stage is your dream, remember that it is not all about the applause. Role models share why performing for an audience can also be a way to change the world!
Do you like to create worlds with your imagination? A novelist, poet, filmmaker, producer, and playwright share why they are passionate about their careers in the literary arts.
If you love to write, watch these professional writer role models share different strategies and tips to help you become a better writer and possibly make it a career.
Understanding how to communicate effectively is critical. You can learn how to be a better communicator after watching these role models shares how to wow an audience!
Want an easy and effective way to build confidence? Join a group. Playing sports and other extracurricular activities help you learn about teamwork and rewards of practicing.
You can start planning for a successful career right now.  Working as a volunteer or intern will help you gain valuable work experience and helps you decide what type of career you want.
Step 2: Download the Independent Learning Guide and Fun Page Activity. 
Print the guide and activity page, or ask a teacher, parent, or other adult you know to print it for you.
Step 3: Watch the video. 
Taking notes can help you remember important information. The videos are short—watch them more than once to learn something new each time.
Step 4: Complete the Independent Learning Guide and Fun Page Activity.
Think about what you learned in the video to answer the questions in the Independent Learning Guide. Watch the video again for help. Try the activity page, too, to explore more about the topic. Organize your learning guides and activity pages in a binder to keep track of them.
Step 5: Earn a certificate!
Click here to download a printable Positively Empowered! Certificate for completing a set of 10 Empowerment videos and lessons. Decorate a star for each Empowerment topic you explore. Write the video topic on the line.



Click here to download a printable Career Connections Certificate for completing a set of 10 different careers. Decorate a star for each career area you explore.



Click here to download a printable Smart About STEM Certificate for exploring 10 STEM careers. Set a goal of exploring careers in each STEM area (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Decorate a star for each Empowerment topic you explore.


Downloadable Student Guide

Click here to download a comprehensive student guide with additional instructions, activities, and tips.