
We Can't Succeed Without You!

Don't miss this chance to double your impact! Donate now and have your contribution matched by the Career Girls Board, dollar for dollar up to $100,000. Because our Board covers all overhead expenses, your donation goes 100% towards creating new content and direct outreach to girls.
What Girls Are Saying...
  • "Being an empowered woman is so important, to make your own destiny. No one else controls your destiny, it’s yours to create and control."
  • "I learned that YOU have the power to lead your life the way you want to, but you have to work hard to reach that goal."
  • "As a women I have many opportunities and options in life. I will be educated, empowered, and encouraged."
  • "I will never underestimate what I can do."
  • "I don’t have to be scared to do what I love."
  • "Girls can do anything."
  • "Nothing can stop you. If you can dream it, do it."
Keeping Career Girls a fresh and vital resource for girls and educators costs money, and that’s where our financial supporters come in.
When you make your secure, tax-deductible donation to Career Girls, you are becoming a partner in our cause and making a difference. You are the person who is helping a girl on the path to realizing her career dreams and goals—and making an investment in our society’s future.

Career Girls is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID# 45-4825616). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Here are other ways you can help:
  • Arrange a matching gift. Does your employer offer a program where employees’ gifts to nonprofit organizations are matched by the business? If so, you can double your gift. Let us know, and we can help with this.
  • Find out your employer’s charitable giving policy and ask the company to donate or sponsor a day or week of Career Girls’ video production.
  • If you’re interested in making a larger donation, please get in touch so we can talk about how to put your gift to the best possible use. 
  • Talk about us. If you know others who would support our mission, then share our site through an email or social media. They too may become a partner in our cause.