Where There Is No Dentist 2012 21
Learning about teeth and gums can be fun. When the teaching is real and
practical, students love to learn. Here are some ideas:
Teaching so that learning can take place
1. Teach and learn together with school children.
2. Start with what the students already know.
3. Let students see and then do.
4. Let children help each other.
5. Teach about teeth and gums together with other subjects.
6. Be a good example.
7. Make the community part of your classroom.
1. Teach and Learn Together with School Children
Share ideas
instead of always
giving information.
Children learn
more when they
are involved.
A discussion draws out
information and opinions.
It helps you
to learn more
about the
school children,
what they
already know
and believe to
be true.
A lecture transfers
your own notes
to the children’s
notebooks without
ever passing
through their minds.
But it also allows
you to introduce
information that
is related to the