Chapter 16: Breastfeeding
When the mother works outside the home
When a mother works away from home,
it can be hard for her to give her baby
only breast milk during the first 6 months.
If possible, the mother can bring her
baby with her to work, or someone
can bring the baby when it is time
for her to feed.
I will meet
my quota,
don’t worry.
In some places, people are
trying to get laws passed that
allow women workers to take
breaks to breastfeed their babies
or to remove breast milk by hand.
Removing milk fromthe breasts
Another way for the mother to give breast milk when she is away is to remove the
milk from her breasts. Then someone else can feed the baby for her. She may also
want to remove milk by hand if her breasts are too full, or if she cannot breastfeed
for some reason but wants to keep making milk.
You can remove
milk 2 or 3 times
each day . . .
. . . then send or
store the milk so
someone else
can feed your
A woman may be able to get a breast pump to help her remove milk more
easily. Some clinics and medical centers loan or rent out electric pumps. They may
also sell simple hand pumps at low cost. Some women can easily remove milk
by hand.
A Book for Midwives (2010)