Chapter 21: How to insert an IUD
Loading the Copper T IUD (continued)
These instructions tell you how to put the IUD into the inserter while it is
still inside the package. If you load the IUD into the tube while it is still
inside the package — and you do not touch the IUD — it will stay sterile
even if you do not have sterile gloves. Do not ever touch the IUD, or the
end of the tube or rod that will go inside of the woman’s womb, unless
you are wearing sterile gloves.
Put the IUD into the tube when you are almost ready to insert the IUD.
If the IUD stays in the inserter tube for more than about 5 minutes, it
will not work — the arms will not open inside the womb.
Open the package halfway,
starting on the side away from
the IUD, and push the rod to the
side of the package to get it out
of the way.
With one hand, hold the inserter tube
steady. With your other hand, hold
the IUD through the plastic while
you load the arms into the tube.
Put your thumb on one arm, and
your forefinger on the other, and
squeeze them together and down.
Squeeze the folded IUD into the
top of the tube.
Put the rod into the other end of the
tube and run it along next to the strings.
Stop when it touches the bottom end
of the IUD, and hold it steady there.
The IUD is now ready to be inserted.
A Book for Midwives (2010)
4. Have the woman lie on her back
with her knees bent and open.
5. Help the woman relax. You can try
taking deep breaths with her,
speaking quietly, or putting a
reassuring hand on her shoulder.