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Article on How PhET Sims Help Kids Learn about Chemistry

See our article in the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education’s online newsletter from the Committee on Computers in Chemical Education. Our Paper #7, entitled PhET Interactive Simulations: New tools for teaching and learning chemistry, describes our growing efforts to create and research interactive simulations for the teaching and learning of chemistry.

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Feb 3


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  1. Dear Team PhET,

    Good Morning..

    I’m Pramod from Bangalore, India working for an organisation which serves education institution in empowring the teachers with the help of multimedia educational content. We have developed a product which is the only teaching tool in India (Patented) and working in association with NGOs and corporates to reach the remote villages where even basic infrastructure is a challenge. The teachers in these schools have no access to internet. Govt Of India has supplied cumputers to the schools and we supply our content which is non-voice based and teacher uses it in any language they want.

    I’ve been using PhET simulaton to teach the rural children. I am a fan of it. Though the simulations are downloadable and can be used at no cost, I feel as an individual i have no rights to share it with any one. I, as a representative of this organisation wouls like to take these simulations to each and every corner of the country to empower the teachers who can use it in their classroom.

    In this regard, I seek your kind approval and provide us the rights to share these simulation to teachers who can not / do not access internet. We will work as non profit organisation and there would be no commercial value added to the simulation while sharing with teachers.

    Looking forward for your valuable response and approval.

    Thanking You,

    Best Regards,
    Pramod Kumar.P
    JIL Information Technology Ltd,
    Bangalore, India
    Cell +919343071441
    Email – [email protected], [email protected]

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