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Physics Education Technology - University of Colorado, Boulder
PhET Blog

There Still Time to Become a PhET Supporter

A big ‘Thank You!’ to all of you who have already contributed to PhET during this campaign!

If you have considered a donation, but haven’t gotten to it yet, there’s still time!

It takes a village – our village of PhET users and supporters – to continue to bring these high quality science learning tools to teachers, like Amy from Texas, and their students.

“It truly brings tears to my eyes—not something done easily— when I can give them access to something as wonderful as your program.” – Amy P., 4th grade teacher, Dickinson, TX

Please become a PhET supporter with a donation today. Every donation – from small $10 donations to larger gifts – helps to fund the effort, and is much appreciated!

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Donate Today!




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Dec 30


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